8. April 2019
Women throughout the EU face inequalities. But Roma women face additional challenges such as anti-Gypsyism, extreme poverty, exclusion and discrimination which reinforce their disadvantages, according to the latest report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. It underlines the urgent need for targeted, gender-sensitive measures that allow Roma women to realise their full potential.
8. April 2019
El Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación, Germán Garavano, declaró la emergencia carcelaria por el término de tres años. La Procuración Penitenciaria fue convocada para ser parte de la Comisión de Emergencia en Materia Penitenciaria con el objeto de analizar la situación actual.
8. April 2019
Se trata de un trabajo de investigación de Políticas Sociales y Derechos Humanos a nivel local, que analiza desde la perspectiva de derechos humanos seis aspectos vinculados con políticas públicas. Puede descargarse, en inglés y en castellano, desde la web.
8. April 2019
Azerbaijani Ombudsman’s Office has been cooperating with the UNFPA Azerbaijan from the beginning of its establishment. In 2015, in the frame of this cooperation it was started to assess the country’s progress in implementing treaty body recommendations on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
8. April 2019
Contacts to the Iowa Office of Ombudsman in 2018 reached their highest number in 17 years, according to an annual report released today. Letters and calls from inmates in Iowa’s county jails and their families increased most dramatically – the office fielded 68 percent more jail complaints last year than in 2016. Managed Medicaid complaints held steady after a massive influx in calls from patients and providers in 2017. In sum, complaints, information requests, and special projects in 2018 totaled 5,178. This is more than a 5 percent increase from 2017 and a 29 percent increase since 2013.
5. April 2019
Dans le cadre d’une visite de courtoisie, le Médiateur du Royaume M. Mohamed Benalilou, a reçu au siège de l’institution, le Médiateur de la République du Sénégal Maître Alioune Badara Cissé.
5. April 2019
In his role of Ombudsman for Future Generations in Hungary, Dr. Gyula Bándi hosts the Secretariat for the Network of Institutions for Future Generations in his office. Dr. Bàndi supported the publication of the network's report entitled "Acting today for a better tomorrow".
4. April 2019
C’est en reconnaissance de ses mérites dans les domaines de l’agriculture, du social, de l’élevage et de l’industrie que Radio Salankoloto a porté son choix sur le Larlé Naaba Tigré, pour faire de lui son «Homme de l’année 2018».