31. Jänner 2019
The President of the General Inspection Organization (GIO) Iran, H.E. Justice Naser Seraji, took the opportunity of his participation at the 10th Annual Conference of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA), which took place in Vienna (Austria), from 22 – 24 January 2019, to meet with Ombudsman Peter Fichtenbauer, Chairperson of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB), and IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter.
30. Jänner 2019
In 2018 Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia monitored all six hospitals in Latvia, where in-patient psychiatric treatment of children is provided. During these monitoring visits Ombudsman examined treatment and other conditions of children in these hospitals.
30. Jänner 2019
Le Médiateur de la République a choisi l’après du jeudi 24 janvier 2019 pour se rendre au siège de la Commission Électorale Nationale Autonome (CENA) à Cotonou aux fins de s’assurer de la bonne organisation des élections législatives du dimanche 28 avril 2019. Il est appuyé pour la circonstance de ses proches collaborateurs.
30. Jänner 2019
Annually the Ombudsman meet to discuss developments within the Kingdom and share best practices. This time the meeting took place on Saba, a small island which is part of the Dutch Caribbean.
29. Jänner 2019
In 2018, the Parliamentary Ombudsman of Finland received 5,591 complaints. The number is very high, although it falls slightly from the all-time record of 6,192 in 2017. The administrative branches with the highest number of complaints in 2018 were social services (1,097), the police (632) and healthcare (612).
29. Jänner 2019
The Human Rights Defender of Armenia has published four thematic ad hoc reports as well as a guide on the media coverage of child related issues. The reports, which have partly been drafted with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Armenia and Georgia, show the recent priorities of the Ombudsman of Armenia.
29. Jänner 2019
This year’s International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) will be held from 10 – 14 March 2019 in Johannesburg (South Africa). The event will be co-hosted by the Information Regulator South Africa and The University of Pretoria.
29. Jänner 2019
Se encuentran disponibles las Guías de Derecho y la Red Institucional para los colectivos de mujeres cis y LGBT+ privadxs de libertad, elaboradas en el marco de las prácticas pre-profesionales desarrolladas en la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación de la carrera de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.