28. Februar 2018
Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé today flagged several gaps in the province’s proposed new policing legislation, warning that they could undermine its promise of stronger civilian oversight of police. He pointed out the need for mandatory de-escalation trainings and limits on ex-police staff.
28. Februar 2018
A retired Medical Officer approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, with the complaint that Sindh Local Government Board did not pay her pension dues, despite the completion of requisite formalities and the department was delaying the matter on flimsy pretext.
27. Februar 2018
Polish Human Rights Commissioner Adam Bodnar presented a report on a two-year survey conducted by his office and stated that cases of persons with mental illness or significant degree of intellectual disability, placed in prisons, are not a coincidence but a reflection of a system–related problem.
26. Februar 2018
New Zealand’s Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier has welcomed his country’s achievement in having ‘the least corrupt public sector in the world’ in the latest Transparency International Perceptions of Corruption Index.


26. Februar 2018
A raíz de una denuncia efectuada por la PPN, dos agentes penitenciarios fueron procesados por apremios ilegales. La Sala II de la Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de La Plata confirma el procesamiento de dos agentes penitenciarios por la comisión del delito de apremios ilegales y destaca la labor de la PPN  en la denuncia de las prácticas sistemáticas de hechos de malos tratos y tortura en cárceles federales.


26. Februar 2018
In order to better organise the IOI International Workshop on Good Environmental Governance hosted by the Basque Ombudsman (Ararteko) in the Basque Country (Spain) on 16-17 May 2018, we would kindly ask your Offices to submit some indications in writing in respect of the three working sessions which are planned to take place.
26. Februar 2018
La Defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Analía Colombo, concurrió este martes a la Comisión de Derechos y Garantías de la Cámara de Diputados de Santa Fe,  por la convocatoria que efectuaran algunos legisladores. La funcionaria asistió acompañada del Defensor del Pueblo, Raúl Lamberto, y su equipo técnico y del encuentro participaron los legisladores Alicia Gutierrez, Carlos Del Frade, Silvia Augsburger, Verónica Benas, Santiago Mascheroni, Alejandro Boscarol, Claudia Moyano y Patricia Tepp.
26. Februar 2018
Anna Šabatová, Czech Ombudswoman, and Günther Kräuter, one of the three members of the Austrian Ombudsman Board, together with their colleagues from the social security departments met in Vienna on the 20th February and discussed the cross-border problems concerning the application of the EU Regulation on the Coordination of Social Security Systems in the EU Member States.