14. Juli 2017
The Ombudsman today (July 13) welcomed the passage of the Third Reading of the Apology Bill by the Legislative Council. She expressed her thanks to the Government for its efforts in introducing the apology legislation.
13. Juli 2017
El pasado sábado 8 de julio, por la tarde, se produjo la muerte por ahorcamiento de un detenido alojado en el Pabellón A de la Unidad Residencial IV del CPF I de Ezeiza. Se trata del séptimo fallecimiento bajo esa modalidad en el establecimiento, misma cantidad que en los treinta y seis meses anteriores (dos en 2014, tres en 2015 y dos más en 2016).
13. Juli 2017
Au titre de son pouvoir de proposition de réformes, le Défenseur des droits, Jacques Toubon, a présenté plusieurs recommandations pour l'amélioration du dispositif d'indemnisation des victimes du terrorisme dans sa décision 2017-193.
13. Juli 2017
The Parliamentary Ombudsman attended a symposium discussing fundamental rights issues that are currently high on the Union’s political agenda. The symposium themed ‘2007 – 2017: Is Europe doing enough to protect fundamental rights? – the children perspective’ was organised by the EU Agency for Fundamental Right.
13. Juli 2017
Every year, the IOI publishes an annual report, to inform its membership about the developments and achievements of the past membership year. The IOI Annual Report 2015/2016 is now available in the three official languages of the IOI.
11. Juli 2017
Durante su último plenario en Catamarca la Asociación de Defensores del Pueblo de la República Argentina (ADPRA) volvió a monitorear los temas sociales más candentes del país. Con la intención de dar impulso a la creación de una Defensoría del Pueblo en la provincia de Catamarca, ADPRA, reunió su tercer plenario anual 2017, en la capital de ese estado argentino.
11. Juli 2017
The public hearings on Racism/ Racial and general Discrimination were rounded off in Windhoek last week. Several concerned groups made submissions on what they deem as discrimination and how they believe the issues should be tackled.
10. Juli 2017
On Tuesday 4 July, the Chief Ombudsman joined the New Zealand Deputy State Services Commissioner and Australian and New Zealand academics to launch the results of the first phase of research into protected disclosure, or whistleblowing, processes in New Zealand and Australian organisations.