6. März 2017
On 1st February 2017, the Ombudsman of Catalonia, Rafael Ribó, submitted the Annual Report 2016 to the President of the Catalan Parliament. An English summary of all resolutions issued is now available.
6. März 2017
El 2 de marzo se desató un incendio en la Comisaría 1ª de la Policía Bonaerense en la Cuidad de Pergamino. En la celda colectiva donde ninguna persona debería haber estado detenida, porque es esa una función propia de la agencia penitenciaria, convivían 19 personas, todas ellas detenidas cautelarmente. Siete de ellas murieron. La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) viene alertando año tras año el incremento de la cantidad de personas detenidas en las cárceles federales argentinas, sobrepasando su capacidad de alojamiento declarada.
3. März 2017
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights presented its alternative report on the fulfillment of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women to portrait the Commissioner’s view of a situation with observance of the rights of women in Ukraine. The presentation was attended by People's Deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the central executive bodies, the National Police and representatives of the international and public organizations.
3. März 2017
This week, heads of ombuds institutions from around Africa met in Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, to discuss the shared challenge of torture prevention on the continent.
1. März 2017
On 27 February 2017 the Regional President of IOI Europe and Catalan Ombudsman Rafael Ribó met with IOI Secretary General Günther Kräuter in Vienna to discuss upcoming projects in the Region.
28. Februar 2017
The Office of the Ombudsman New Zealand has published the Ombudsman Quarterly Review – Summer 2017.
28. Februar 2017
The Western Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field, has given a speech entitled, The role of the Ombudsman in reviewing Child Deaths and Family Violence Fatalities, at the Asia Pacific Coroners Society (APCS) Annual Conference, held in Perth, Western Australia
28. Februar 2017
The Veterans Ombudsman has posted a status update on all the recommendations made by the Office since its inception. To date, it has made 57 recommendations and, of these, the Government has fully or partially implemented 37, leaving 20 still to be addressed.