17. Februar 2016
The Governor Sindh Dr. Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan on the advice of Chief Minister Sindh has reappointed Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik as the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh for a further term of four years.
16. Februar 2016
On February 5, 2016, the Public Defender held a press conference, where he presented the January information bulletin. In the greeting of the bulletin the Public Defender talked about the changes that took place in the Public Defender's office and throughout the country last year. He stressed the importance of the opening of the Academy of Human Rights and the launch of a hotline, the election of Public Defender as a full member of the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions and the granting of the right to take photos in prison.
12. Februar 2016
Following a successful debut in Latin America in November 2015, the next IACA Regional Summer Academy will be for Eastern Africa and take place in Kampala, Uganda, from 3 to 9 September 2016. The programme is co-sponsored by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
11. Februar 2016
Financial abuse of vulnerable people can have a major impact on whole families if social workers do not treat safeguarding alerts seriously, the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) has warned.
10. Februar 2016
Registration for the Conference on “Human Rights - A 21st Century Approach to the work of Ombudsmen”, to be held in Belfast from 25 – 27 May 2016 is now open! The Offices of the Northern Ireland Ombudsman and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission invite you to participate.
9. Februar 2016
Publication from the Ombudswoman of the City of Ghent on the role of local Ombudsmen in the handling of complaints about the local police. What type of complaint about local police is brought to the attention of the local Ombudsman and how is this complementary to the internal procedures of the police for dealing with complaints? Ombudswoman Rita Passemiers, attempts to answer these questions, based on her 18 years’ experience as an Ombudsman.
5. Februar 2016
Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon, and Ombudsman Peter Tyndall have both welcomed the Minister for Justice and Equality’s commitment in principle to allowing asylum seekers living in Direct Provision have their complaints independently examined by their respective Offices.
4. Februar 2016
Un informe de la red de defensores de los derechos de los niños (European Netzwork of Ombudspersons for Children, ENOC) alerta de que los niños en tránsito están en grave peligro de sufrir abusos, ser separados de sus progenitores, sufrir enfermedades y morir. El documento recomienda que se dé prioridad a los niños a la hora de reubicar en toda Europa a las 160.000 personas que ha aprobado la CE. El Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya, como miembro del grupo de trabajo, la necesidad de que la Administración aplique el interés superior del niño en relación con la práctica de pruebas de edad a los adolescentes refugiados.