18. November 2015
The Defender of Rights has issued a report in October 2015 on “Migrants and fundamental rights: the situation in the territory of Calais” based on two visits conducted in June and July 2015, highlighting violations in the field of fundamentals rights regarding the migrants living in Calais.
16. November 2015
The Acting Ombudsman has today tabled his Annual Report for 2014-2015. The report outlines the work of the Office for the year, including its complaint handling and systemic work. This year, the Ombudsman received 40,306 complaints and notifications. The Office further continued to develop and refine its approach to identifying and responding to systemic issues identified across its jurisdiction.
16. November 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo Valenciano participa en un programa europeo para fortalecer la institución del Defensor turco. El Síndic de Greuges de la Comunitat Valenciana recibe esta semana una delegación de once funcionarios del Defensor del Pueblo turco, institución que comenzó a funcionar en 2013.
16. November 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y Presidente de la Asociación de Defensores del Pueblo de la República Argentina (ADPRA), exhortó a los candidatos a presidente a que, en caso de resultar elegidos, se comprometan a impulsar la designación del Defensor/a del Pueblo de la Nación y de los/as titulares de todas las Defensorías del Pueblo provinciales y municipales del país que se encuentran vacantes.
13. November 2015
During its annual meeting, held in Namibia in September 2015, the IOI Board of Directors took decisions on applications for IOI membership and is delighted to welcome five institutions as new Voting members to the IOI family.
13. November 2015
La Defensoría del Pueblo presentó el Reporte de Conflictos Sociales N° 140, correspondiente al mes de octubre de 2015, el cual da cuenta –entre otros aspectos- que durante ese período se registraron 214 conflictos sociales (151 activos y 63 latentes). Respecto al mes anterior vemos que se incorporaron dos casos nuevos, dos reactivados, se resolvieron dos, dos casos salieron del registro debido a su inactividad prolongada y dos casos pasaron de estado activo a latente.
13. November 2015
Commenting on the Local Government Ombudsman's report highlighting the number of complaints it has received about adult social care in 2014/15, and the reasons behind the complaints, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor confirms that the number of unresolved complaints receive about the NHS in England and UK government departments is steadily increasing.
12. November 2015
The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) is publishing its complaints statistics for adult social care – including data for both councils and private care providers – in its Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints 2014/15. The report is being published as part of the LGO’s role as the social care ombudsman, to encourage transparency and accountability across the whole adult social care complaints system.