22. September 2015
The European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, is currently inquiring into the issue of "trilogues" with a view to boosting transparent law-making in the EU. A debate about transparency and non-disclosure of documents will take place at the European Parliament on 28 September 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00.
18. September 2015
Barbara Finlay has been named acting Ombudsman of Ontario, pending the Legislative Assembly’s selection process to fill the position permanently.
18. September 2015
A whole-of-government approach focused on reducing offending is a key recommendation of a report tabled by the Victorian Ombudsman.
18. September 2015
Ombudsperson Raymonde Saint-Germain tabled the institution’s 45th Annual Report in the National Assembly.
16. September 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo Alejandro Amor presentó en la Legislatura porteña un proyecto de ley en el que propone el otorgamiento de una  una prestación económica específica a las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género que se encuentren desempleadas.


15. September 2015
Since 1st of September 2015, the Chancellor of Justice has a new department, which is responsible for managing, planning and carrying out inspection visits into the authorities under supervision, performing the tasks of national preventive mechanism, developing methodologies for inspection visits and compiling summaries of visits.
15. September 2015
The public can now bring complaints about private nursing homes to Ombudsman Peter Tyndall.  From 24 August 2015 the Ombudsman has had his powers extended so that he can independently examine complaints about private nursing homes in receipt of public funding under subvention or through the Nursing Home Support Scheme (also known as ‘Fair Deal’).   
9. September 2015
The Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) presents the international version of its Annual Report 2014. For the first time this report includes both, the AOB’s ex-post investigative proceedings relevant to human rights as well as the AOB’s mandate as the Austrian National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in one volume.