6. Oktober 2015
Commissioner met with the Resident Advisor of the Twinning on social service provision in Azerbaijan, executive director of the Austrian Social Worker Association, Mr. Herbert Paulischin at his own request.


6. Oktober 2015
The Four Visegrád Ombudsmen, including the Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, the Public Defender of Rights of the Slovak Republic and the Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Poland, held a meeting in Visegrád, Hungary, from 30 September to 02 October, 2015. During this event, the Ombudsmen accepted a joint statement in relation to the current refugee and migration crisis affected this European region.
2. Oktober 2015
It is our priviledge to kindly inform you that the election to fill the vacancy on the Board of the European Region of the IOI has been finalised. Ms. Ülle Madise (Chancellor of Justice of Estonia) has been confirmed as Member of the Board of the European Region
2. Oktober 2015
The Ad Hoc Committee’s consideration of the Public Services Ombudsperson Bill has been completed and it has published its Report.


2. Oktober 2015
IOI President John R. Walters and Executive member of ANZOA Colin Naeve, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions.


2. Oktober 2015
The webinar will take place on Tuesday, October 6th, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EST
25. September 2015
Carolyn Stieber, died on September 12, 2015.  She was the ombudsman at Michigan State University from 1974 to 1991 and a long-time contributor to the international ombudsman community.
25. September 2015
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe advierte a los ciudadanos que es su derecho  realizar las  operaciones bancarias por ventanilla, sin restricciones de tipo de operación ni de monto mínimo, encontrándose prohibido que las entidades bancarias cobren suma alguna por tales operaciones, a la vez que reclama a las entidades financieras que actúen en consecuencia.