3. Juni 2015
Los procesos de incapacitación judicial a menudo no investigan suficientemente la capacidad jurídica de la persona afectada. Diversas personas con discapacidad intelectual o psicosocial han solicitado la intervención del Síndic. El Comité de los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad de la ONU recomendó en el año 2011 modificar la normativa electoral para garantizar el voto a las personas con discapacidad.
1. Juni 2015
The tragic events of the past months where hundreds of people lost their lives in the Mediterranean Sea have filled the world with tremendous shock. Behind this humanitarian disaster lies a deep human rights crisis, where migrants try to flee from war or poverty. The IOI therefore calls on its members in an open letter to encourage their respective governments and administrations to join forces to find solutions for this refugee crisis.
1. Juni 2015
La Defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de la Provincia de Santa Fe a cargo de la Defensoría del Pueblo Zona Sur, Analía Colombo, expuso este jueves en la VI Asamblea General del Instituto Latinoamericano del Ombudsman–Defensor del Pueblo. La actividad, que se lleva a cabo en la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro entre el 28 y el 29 de mayo, reúne a los defensores y ombudsman de toda América latina.
31. Mai 2015
The Bahrain Ombudsman, the first Independent Ombudsman in the Region, presents its second annual report. The Office investigates complaints against employees of the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) and has the important role of ensuring that prisoners and detainees are treated appropriately and are not subject to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
31. Mai 2015
The European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, has opened an investigation into the transparency of "trilogues" with a view to boosting transparent law-making in the EU. Trilogues are informal negotiations between the European Parliament (EP), the Council and the Commission aimed at reaching early agreements on new EU legislation.
31. Mai 2015
The joint investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the Local Government Ombudsman found the woman was left without the right care package for more than a year, because of a dispute between Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, a mental health trust.
29. Mai 2015
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) published the “ACRC Korea Annual Report 2014,” a collection of the ACRC’s performance and major policies of the year 2014. As the protector of civil rights, the ACRC actively performed its duties, dealing with 28,744 complaints among 30,038 complaints received last year.
29. Mai 2015
In March Ombudsman Ron Paterson released an opinion under the Ombudsmen Act about an investigation into a decision by a school Board of Trustees to expel a high school student with Aspergers. Following an incident where the year 11 student had threatened to assault a teacher the Board had expelled him for “gross misconduct” that was “a harmful or dangerous example to other students”.