2. Februar 2015
Ombudsman Anna Šabatová has turned to the judiciary to look into the suspected cases of maltreatment of seniors in homes for elderly, including restrictions of their personal freedom, bad nourishment, suspicious use of medicines and other serious flaws.
29. Jänner 2015
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s casework revealed that the lives of mothers and babies could be put at risk because of an inherent conflict of interest in the supervision of midwives.
29. Jänner 2015
In a letter to Minister of Health, Dustin Duncan, Ombudsman Mary McFadyen reported yesterday that her Office is making progress with its investigation into the adequacy of care at the Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home.
29. Jänner 2015
A complainant together with parents of students of a school in Sindh approached the Provincial Ombudsman stating that a school was unjustifiably shifted to a three rooms’ building of a school at a distant place.
28. Jänner 2015
The Office of the Ombudsman held a press conference to announce the results of a direct investigation into the “Mechanisms Used to Review and Monitor Eligibility of Existing Tenants in Subsidised Public Housing” and presented a brief report on the work of the Office for 2014.
27. Jänner 2015
The European Parliament hosts the first Conference on " Strengtheing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Energy Sector". Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, took part in the first General Assembly of the National Energy Ombudsman Network (NEON), held on January 27th in Brussels.
26. Jänner 2015
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford are delighted to invite consumer advisors, complaint handling and ombudsmen practitioners, academics and policymakers to a workshop on “Designing Consumer Redress” on 11 and 12 June 2015.
23. Jänner 2015
The IOI’s European Region carried out two surveys among its members. One survey focused on “Own Initiative Investigations” and the other one dealt with the “Implementation of the ADR Directive”, i.e. the EU’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Directive.