Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2019-03-21

    Age discrimination at work

    The Defender inquired into a complaint where the complainant alleged that his employer was discriminating against employees because of their age. Allegedly, employees over 65 years of age were being offered less favourable contracts as concerned their term, number of working hours and sources of funding.

  • 2019-04-10

    Chief Ombudsman welcomes new Oranga Tamariki role

    The Chief Ombudsman, Peter Boshier, is welcoming the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of children and young people within the state care and youth justice system. Mr Boshier is responding to the government’s announcement of proposals aimed at strengthening the independent oversight of the Oranga Tamariki system and children’s issues.  

  • 2019-07-02

    Public Defender of Georgia examines alleged abuse of power by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    On 2 July 2019, the Public Defender of Georgia's Office started to study the criminal case (#074220619801) of alleged abuse of power by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on 20-21 June 2019 (investigation of the June 20-21 developments).

  • 2019-07-08

    El Síndic de Greuges de Cataluña interviene en la conferencia anual de comisarios lingüísticos

    Los días 26 y 27 de junio, en Toronto, tuvo lugar la Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Comisarios Lingüísticos (IALC), bajo el lema “Protegiendo minorías lingüísticas, construyendo sociedades más fuertes”.

  • 2019-07-09

    12th IOI World Conference / 12ème Conférence mondiale de l'IIO / 12a Conferencia Mundial del IIO

    The 12th World Conference and General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute will be hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland and held in Dublin, Ireland between 17 and 22 May 2020. Links to an expression of interest form are now available.

  • 2019-10-21

    Control Yuan hosted 31st APOR Conference

    The Control Yuan hosted the 31st Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Region (APOR) Conference in Taipei City from 25 - 27 September 2019. The gathering included a work shop on “The Ombudsman’s Role in Human Rights Protection” on 26 September, during which APOR member representatives and foreign guests were invited to share their professional insights and experience as well as case studies.

  • 2020-03-30

    No entry without a mask – does this business practice constitute discrimination?

    Reports appeared in media that certain service providers or retailers are requesting their customers to wear protective masks before entering the place of business, even though this is not the recommendation of the National Civil Protection Directorate nor the Croatian Public Health Institute (HZJZ). Since masks are currently exceedingly hard to obtain, making their usage compulsory could lead to discrimination on the basis of property,

  • 2020-06-23

    Ombudsperson investigation finds two pandemic emergency orders not authorized

    Two ministerial orders made during the COVID-19 pandemic by BC’s Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General went beyond the authority assigned to him under the Emergency Program Act and thus are contrary to law, an Ombudsperson investigation released today finds.

  • 2020-08-25

    NSW Ombudsman tables investigation into SafeWork NSW

    The New South Wales (NSW) Ombudsman has released the special report on “Investigation into actions taken by SafeWork NSW Inspectors in relation to Blue Mountains City Council workplaces”. The report sets out the findings and recommendations of the Ombudsman’s investigation into SafeWork NSW.

  • 2020-09-16

    Ministry of Education to compensate students following Ombudsperson investigation into incorrect exam results

    The Ministry of Education will apologize to students and compensate any students who were financially harmed by the issuance of incorrect provincial exam results in 2019 as a result of a B.C. Ombudsperson investigation.

  • 2020-09-24

    Annual Report 2019 issued by Yukon Ombudsman

    The Yukon Ombudsman, Information and Privacy Commissioner, and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner has issued her annual reports, summarizing the activities of her office in 2019. Special sections of report highlight key concerns and solutions.

  • 2021-03-02

    Citizens right to free and fair elections

    With the election period drawing near, the Office draws attention to various developments causing concern with regard to the individual’s right to properly participate in the forthcoming political elections. Some of these developments include village council activities that may be discriminatory or coercive of the individual in their effect; and campaign committees influencing voters’ preference by unscrupulous means including bribery.

  • 2021-04-16

    2021 General Assembly and World Conference Website - Registration Now Open

      IOI 12th World Conference and General Assembly - conference website updated and online. 12a Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO - página web actualizado y disponible en línea. 12e Conférence mondiale et Assemblée générale de l'IIO - site web de la conférence mis à jour et disponible en ligne.  

  • 2021-09-23

    Ombudsman’s report on establishment and management of Members Education Support Scheme (MESS)

    Ombudsman of the Republic of Vanuatu Publishes Public Report On the Establishment and Management of the Members Education Support Scheme (MESS) by VNPF Board and the Ministry of Education and Training.

  • 2021-10-20

    Ombudsman’s message to mark the International Ombudsman Day

    Today the 14th Ocober,2021 marks the fourth annual International Ombudsman Day. The second Thursday of every October was first set aside by the American Bar Association in 2018 to recognize the ombudsman institution which over the years has remained hidden and underutilized despite being one of the oldest institutions in existence. The date has since been adopted by the International Ombudsman Association.

  • 2021-02-01

    The Chancellor of Justice received the highest international recognition

    The Chancellor of Justice received the A-status accreditation as a national human rights institution by the GANHRI Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA). The decision on accreditation was preceded by a submission of a comprehensive statement on the independence, mandate and composition of the institution of the Chancellor of Justice, and an oral hearing by the SCA in December last year.

  • 2022-07-13

    Hong Kong Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2021-2022

    The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, presented to the public today (13 July) the 2021-22 Annual Report of her Office, emphasising its role as a bridge between the public and public organisations.

  • 2023-06-23

    The Victorian Ombudsman releases a report on unequal service to Victorian workers delivered by self-insurers

    Victoria’s workers compensation scheme has come under much scrutiny from the Victorian Ombudsman over the years, resulting in significant reforms. But the latest report "WorkSafe 3: Investigation into Victorian self-insurers’ claims management and WorkSafe oversight" highlights the shortcomings of self-insurers - private companies that manage workers compensation themselves - which have not previously been scrutinised by the Ombudsman.

  • 2023-08-25

    Provincial Ombudsman, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa inaugurated a regional office and held awareness raising campaign about the Ombudsman institution at Swat

    The Hon'ble Provincial Ombudsman, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Syed Jamalud Din Shah, inaugurated the Ombudsman Regional Office on August 08, 2023. Alongside the inauguration, an awareness campaign to the public about the role and responsibilities of the Ombudsman Institution took place at the University of Swat. This awareness raising campaign was supported by the IOI's Regional Subsidies Program.

  • 2023-10-27

    Ombudsman probes management of records on Government websites and social media accounts

    The Ombudsman of Hong Kong, Ms Winnie Chiu, on 24 October 2023 announced the launch of a direct investigation into the management of records on Government websites and social media accounts. With the advancement of information technology, the Internet and social media are playing greater and considerably more important roles in enhancing public administration.

Showing 4021 to 4040 of 5106 entries