Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Webinar on “Document storing and archiving” - video recording now available
Document storing and archiving has been identified in an ongoing needs assessment as one of the training priorities required by African Ombudsman. In responding to this need, the African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) held a webinar on the matter. Speaker contributions are now available and you are invited to watch the video recording of the webinar.
NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2021-22 tabled
The NSW Ombudsman and Convenor of the NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT) Paul Miller tabled the NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2021-22 in Parliament on 25th October 2022.
Ombudsman wants to cooperate with the Kingdom of Norway and highlights Human Rights as a Priority of their Work Agenda
The Honorable Ombudsman of the Republic of Angola, Dra Florbela Araújo, on the 1st of December of the current year, held a meeting with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway, accredited in Angola, HE Bjornar Dahl Hotvdt, focusing on cooperation and exchange of experience in matters related to human rights and the crime of torture.
NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2022-23 tabled
On 30 October 2023, the NSW Ombudsman and Convenor of the NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT) Paul Miller tabled the NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2022-23 in Parliament.
Ombudsman Diamandouros presents Annual Report 2010
At the presentation of his Annual Report 2010 in Brussels, Mr Diamandouros said: "The Ombudsman's main priority is to help the EU administration to become more open, proactive, accountable, and citizen-friendly, in order to increase citizens' trust in the European public service...."
NSW Ombudsman’s report on child deaths
NSW Ombudsman tabled a biennial report to Parliament concerning his review of the deaths of 77 children in 2010 and 2011. Under the Community Services Act 1993, the Ombudsman is required to review the deaths of children that occur as a result of abuse or neglect.
Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson to monitor and examine issues related to CRA communications about the collection of COVID-related benefit overpayments
On 4 May 2023, the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson, Mr. François Boileau, announced his intention to closely monitor complaints received at his office concerning individuals who have already paid back COVID-related benefit overpayments to the Government of Canada yet are still receiving collection letters from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Getting to know the new Veterans Ombudsman
Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine became the new Veterans Ombudsman (VO) on 23 November 2020. Now that Nishika has a number of weeks under her belt, it's time to learn a bit more about her, what she brings to the role, and what she would like to accomplish.
Virtual meeting of the outgoing Board of Directors
On 19 May 2021, the outgoing IOI Board of Directors held its annual meeting to take stock of last year’s achievements and to discuss upcoming projects and priorities. This meeting was the last Board meeting in the current composition, as the new Board of Directors under the newly elected IOI President, Mr. Chris Field, will take up its work next week.
Demande que plus d’informations sur les décisions concernant les demandes de prestations d’invalidité soient données
L’ombudsman des vétérans, Guy Parent, a publié aujourd’hui les résultats d’une évaluation de la mise en œuvre, par Anciens Combattants Canada, des huit recommandations contenues dans son rapport de 2011 intitulé Le droit des vétérans de connaître les motifs des décisions : Une question d’équité procédurale, et son rapport de 2012 intitulé Le droit des vétérans à la divulgation : Une question d’équité procédurale. Les deux rapports précisaient les améliorations requises pour assurer la transparence et l’équité du processus de présentation et d’évaluation des demandes de prestations d’invalidité d’Anciens Combattants Canada.
Compte rendu de la mission conjointe Gouvernement / Partenaires humanitaires dans L’Anzourou
Le Jeudi 27 mai 2021, une mission Gouvernement / Partenaires humanitaires s’est rendu dans l’Anzourou afin de s’enquérir des conditions de vie des populations suite à leur retour dans leurs localités d’origine, populations victimes d’attaques des Groupes Armés Non Etatiques qui avaient suscité un mouvement de ces populations a Tillaberi, Sakoira, Namari Goungou et Dessa.
Europe_Hungary_Parliamentary Commissioner for Future Generations_Annual Report_2009_English.pdf
Moldova_Centre for Human Rights_NPM Report_2008_EN.pdf
Europe_Moldova_Centre for Human Rights_Annual REPORT 2006.pdf
Europe_Ireland_Ombudsman for Children_ Annual Report 2008.pdf
Europe_Ireland_Ombudsman for Children_ Annual Report 2009.pdf
Europe_Ireland_Ombudsman for Children_ Annual Report 2007.pdf
Europe_Ireland_Ombudsman for the Defense Forces_Annual Report 2009_EN.pdf
Europe_Ireland_Ombudsman for the Defense Forces_Annual Report 2008_EN.pdf
Europe_Uzbekistan_Authorized Person for Human Rights_Annual Repot 2007_en.pdf