19. September 2022
La Asociación Internacional de Comisarios Lingüísticos (IALC) concluyó el día 9 de septiembre en Bilbao, País Vasco, su séptima Conferencia Internacional Anual y su asamblea general anual. Los miembros de la asociación no se reunían en persona desde antes del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19.
19. September 2022
The new five members of the Monitoring Committee on Discipline of the CCAC Personnel visited some facilities of the CCAC and met with the Commissioner Against Corruption, Chan Tsz King on 5th September 2022. They exchanged opinions on the perfection of the work of the committee and the consolidation of integrity building.
19. September 2022
Hace tiempo que la institución del Síndic recibe quejas de familias monoparentales por la demora en las tramitaciones de las solicitudes de alta o de renovación de los títulos de familia monoparental. Para resolver este procedimiento, el Departamento de Derechos Sociales dispone de seis meses.
19. September 2022
Chris Field, President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Western Australian Ombudsman, attended a formal luncheon at the residence of Mr Richard Sadleir, Australian Ambassador to Austria and Head of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Vienna, in honour of his official visit to Austria.
16. September 2022
Ombudsperson Gaby Schwarz met with Chris Field, President of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Ombudsman of Western Australia, in Vienna for their first work meeting and personal exchange.
15. September 2022
The office of the Queensland Ombudsman continues to promote awareness and accessibility for communities in regional and remote areas, Indigenous, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the homeless and prisoners.
15. September 2022
In an effort to promote and ensure compliance to laid down administrative procedures, practices and ethical conduct, the Office of the Public Protector is currently working with Levy Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital orienting the newly recruited health workers and other members of staff.
15. September 2022
L’ombudsman de la Ville de Laval, Nathalie Blais, a déposé le 9e rapport annuel de son bureau lors de la séance du conseil municipal du mardi 13 septembre.