12. September 2022
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced the completion of a direct investigation into the problem of abandoned vehicles on government land and made 7 recommendations for improvement to the Government.
12. September 2022
In the period from May to August 2022, employees of the Equality Department of the Public Defender’s Office held meetings with employees of the city halls and councils of the municipalities of Zemo Adjara, Kakheti, Shida Kartli and Mtskheta Mtianeti, as well as representatives of local religious and ethnic minority groups.
8. September 2022
Desde la institución del Síndic se considera que la educación afectiva y sexual de calidad debe ser diseñada e impartida por profesionales formados en la materia, teniendo especialmente en cuenta la edad y el nivel de desarrollo de los participantes.
8. September 2022
The celebration of Ombuds Day transcends sector and political boundaries, highlighting the important work Ombudsman do in various ways and across the globe. To commemorate Ombuds Day, AORC and IOI cordially invite you to a webinar on the "UN Resolution, the Venice Principles and the OR Tambo Declaration", which will be held on 13 October 2022. Save the date!
8. September 2022
The Alberta Ombudsman has developed a guide to assist public authorities in managing unreasonable complainant conduct fairly and determining when it may be appropriate to restrict communication.


7. September 2022
El defensor del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe a cargo Gabriel Savino participó este lunes del acto por 25° aniversario del Centro Económico San José de la Esquina, una entidad ligada a la Defensoría desde hace más de 15 años, ya que en su edificio funciona la oficina de atención de la institución en esa localidad.
7. September 2022
In a report tabled in Parliament, The COVID-19 pandemic: second report, NSW Ombudsman Paul Miller has looked back on complaints received by the Ombudsman since his March 2021 report on the COVID pandemic.
7. September 2022
The Ombudsman's Office issued a written request for a clarification regarding a complaint in which a man's civil status has been disposed, and therefore he is no longer registered in the civil registry and according to his identity card, counts as an immigrant who is officially ineligible to apply for Thai citizenship.