6. März 2024
On 28 February 2024, the Public Defender addressed the director of one of the public schools of the Khelvachauri municipality with a general proposal relating to the case of incitement to discrimination on the basis of sex/gender and called on him to not allow discriminatory treatment on the basis of sex or other grounds at school and to implement a policy of equality, and in relation to the school uniform, to ensure students' freedom of choice.
6. März 2024
On 4 March 2024, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr Volker Türk gave an update to the Human Rights Council. In his update he focuses on the scourge of war and the imperative of peace; and second, on the open space that is needed for societies to flourish – particularly in this mega election year. 
6. März 2024
El 1 de marzo de 2024 tenía lugar el acto de celebración del 5.º aniversario del Pacto contra la segregación escolar, que impulsaron en 2019 la institución del Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya y el Departamento de Educación, con la voluntad de promover políticas de lucha contra ese fenómeno.
6. März 2024
En cumplimiento de su deber legal de proteger los derechos humanos de las personas alojadas, la PPN se presentó como amicus curiae para solicitar en carácter urgente la prisión domiciliaria de un varón de 38 años que se encuentra detenido en el CPF I de CABA y que padece una grave enfermedad.
6. März 2024
In a new report, Ombudsperson Jay Chalke calls on the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to address problematic road legislation that has real-life consequences for many British Columbians.
6. März 2024
In her report Investigation into healthcare provision for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons tabled on 6 March 2024, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass finds the lack of input by Victoria’s First Nations people into healthcare policy in prisons is having devastating effects on the health outcomes for them.
6. März 2024
On 3 March 2022, the Ombudsman Commission received a Complaint regarding the alleged delay in the transfer of the title for a deceased estate and overcharging of administrative fees by the office of the Public Trustee of Papua New Guinea. It was alleged that the Office of the Public Trustee had charged excessive fees and had delayed the transfer of a title of a deceased estate to the beneficiaries.
6. März 2024
La Defensora del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, María Rosa Muiños, participó de la audiencia pública convocada por la Secretaría de Energía de la Nación, que determinará los criterios por los cuales un hogar recibirá o no subsidios parciales o totales a los servicios de gas y luz.