23. November 2020
El defensor del Pueblo de Santa Fe, Raúl Lamberto, presentó la exposición sobre la “Participación de la Economía Social y Solidaria en las cadenas de valor de la Producción”, que brindó este jueves Juan José Bertero, especialista en el tema de cadenas de valor y ex ministro de la Producción de la provincia de Santa Fe, a través de la plataforma Zoom.
20. November 2020
The Public Defender of Georgia has the honor to invite you to the online conference on "Femicide Prevention and Monitoring", which will be held on 24 November 2020 at 09:00 AM (CET), with the technical support of UN Women.
20. November 2020
The Control Yuan’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the Examination Yuan’s National Academy of Civil Service (NACS) launched a cooperative education campaign to promote human rights awareness among civil servants.
20. November 2020
The IOI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructure for Peace (GAMIP) to strengthen the cooperation and foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of building a culture of peace.
20. November 2020
On 19 November 2020, the IOI successfully held its first session of the IOI Remote Media Training. The interest in this training was enormous and participants from all six IOI world regions applied. In this first training session, a total of 18 persons from 18 different Ombudsman institutions from all corners of the globe took part in this high-end media training.
18. November 2020
Está disponible el reporte semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” para el período del 7 al 13 de noviembre de 2020. El reporte semanal está elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo de la Defensoría del Pueblo.
18. November 2020
After the Government brought back the quarantine regime and re-introduction more intensive restrictions on human rights and freedoms throughout the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, the Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas presented a report assessing the compliance of emergency management measures that were introduced in March this year with human rights and freedoms.
18. November 2020
La semaine internationale de sensibilisation à la fraude est une initiative de l’ACFE, la plus grande association mondiale rassemblant plus de 85 000 professionnels de la lutte contre la fraude et dont le Centre Intégrité du Médiateur fédéral est membre. L’ACFE souhaite diminuer l'impact de la fraude dans les entreprises et les services publics par la prévention et la sensibilisation.