17. April 2020
At this very serious moment in our collective life, many citizens are wondering about the meaning and scope of the State of Emergency, decreed on the 18 March 2020 by His Excellency the President of the Republic. The questions, associated with natural feelings of unease and apprehension, are in themselves more than justified. Never before, during the almost forty-four years of the Constitution of the Republic, had the need been felt to resort to this exceptional instrument of ordering social relations. The need has now arisen.
17. April 2020
The purpose of immigration detention is to ensure that people with no right to remain in the Netherlands are available for deportation. How this should be done has been a matter of debate for some years. In 2015 the Minister of Justice put forward draft legislation proposing a new differentiated regime and in May 2017 the Rotterdam detention centre introduced this new regime in anticipation of the legislation. This prompted the National Ombudsman to investigate the way the new regime works in practice.
15. April 2020
The Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas has begun the monitoring of social care homes through social media. Having launched a private Facebook group named "A Quarantine in social care institutions," the Human Rights Division of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office started monitoring of social care institutions by providing the assistance to caregivers and collecting information on challenges with which the institutions face.
15. April 2020
The Office of the Ombudsman of Turkey is pleased to share with you the abridged English version of the 2019 Annual Report of the Ombudsman institution. The year 2019 was marked by significant number of complaint applications which reached 20.968 in 2019.
15. April 2020
We are pleased to announce that a new date has been agreed for the 12th IOI World Conference and General Assembly. The conference will now take place from 23 - 28 May 2021.
15. April 2020
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que nous avons convenu sur une nouvelle date pour la 12ème Conférence mondiale et Assemblée générale de l'IIO. La conférence  aura lieu du 23 – 28 Mai 2021.
15. April 2020
Tenemos el agrado de comunicar que se ha fijado una nueva fecha para la 12ª Conferencia Mundial y Asamblea General del IIO. La conferencia se llevará a cabo los días 23 – 28 de mayo de 2021.
14. April 2020
In the framework of combating new COVID19 pandemic the activities on combating the virus continues in Azerbaijan. By the country President’s decree on pardoning dated 6 April 2020, 176 convicts were released from prison and sent into quarantine.