30. März 2020
The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees of the Council of Europe, together with the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) have published a note on the main fundamental rights safeguards applicable at their member states’ external borders.
27. März 2020
Following the declaration of State of Emergency aimed at preventing the spread of Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the Human Rights Defender received complaints from persons with disabilities requesting the Defender's support in accessing information. 
27. März 2020
Dunja Mijatović, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (CoE), called on all CoE member states to review the situation of rejected asylum seekers and irregular migrants in immigration detention, and to release them to the maximum extent possible.
27. März 2020
These are unprecedented times and our countries are facing challenges on a scale we could scarcely have imagined. IOI President Peter Tyndall and IOI Secretary General Werner Amon would like to address IOI members in these difficult times.
26. März 2020
Taiwan is located on the circum-Pacific earthquake zone, where thousands of earthquakes occur every year. To enhance the seismic resistance of public buildings, the Executive Yuan (EY) in June 2000 ratified a project to assess and fortify their seismic resistance; however the execution was less than ideal. The Control Yuan (CY) thus launched an investigation to protect the lives and property of citizens.


26. März 2020
Catalina Devandas, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, warns that little has been done to provide people with disabilities with the guidance and support needed to protect them during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even though many of them are part of the high-risk group, today warned
26. März 2020
Les hacemos llegar la publicación con las ponencias y mesas de trabajo que se llevaron a cabo en el Primer Encuentro Binacional de Organismos Gubernamentales de Derechos Humanos - Comisiones de DDHH de México y Defensorías del Pueblo de la República Argentina, realizado en el mes de junio de 2019 en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
23. März 2020
Le Comité pour la prévention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants (CPT) du Conseil de l'Europe publie aujourd’hui une déclaration de principes relative au traitement des personnes privées de liberté dans le contexte de la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19).