15. September 2020
The Public Defender of Georgia presented a special report on the results of the monitoring carried out in preschool educational institutions. The report was prepared with the support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) within the framework of a project on "Strengthening the Capacity of the Center for the Rights of the Child".
14. September 2020
On 23 September 2020, the webinar on "On-site Monitoring of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities during the COVID-19 Pandemic" will bring together NHRIs and high-level experts in the field, such as members of the UN CRPD Committee, the president of the Council of Europe European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), and the vice-president of the European Disability Forum (EDF).
14. September 2020
Les hacemos llegar el reporte semanal de “Derechos Humanos en Perspectiva Internacional” elaborado por el Programa de Observación y Asistencia para el Fortalecimiento de las Defensorías del Pueblo.
11. September 2020
This Report summarises the activities of the NPM for the years 2018 and 2019. It aims at encouraging debate on matters regarding the fulfilment of NPM’s mission and at demonstrating the commitment of the competent authorities in responding to recommendations for implementing corrective measures.
11. September 2020
L’Ombudsman de l’Ontario, Paul Dubé, a annoncé aujourd’hui la promotion de Domonie Pierre au poste de directrice, Équipe d’intervention spéciale de l’Ombudsman (EISO).
9. September 2020
The Report on the Performance of the NPM for 2019 contains an overview and analysis of the state of human rights of persons deprived of liberty and with restricted freedom of movement. During the reporting year the Croatian People's Ombudswoman acted in a total of 203 cases, issuing 35 warnings, recommendations and suggestions.
9. September 2020
On 28 August 2020, Ombudsman Thailand (OMT) led by General Viddhavat Rajatanun, Chief Ombudsman, hosted and witnessed the Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of “Natural Disaster Notification Service on Mobile Networks” between public authorities and mobile phone service providers
7. September 2020
On 1 September 2020, Public Defender Nino Lomjaria and Deputy Public Defender Ekaterine Skhiladze met with representatives of Tbilisi Pride and received information about the activities of the organization and challenges.