8. Oktober 2020
On 28 September 2020, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo elected Mr. Naim Qelaj as the new Ombudsperson of Kosovo for a five-year and non-renewable mandate. Mr Qelaj follows Hilmi Jashari, whose term as Ombudsman ended.
8. Oktober 2020
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has today published an interim report of the findings of a survey of members of the International Ombudsman Institute. "The Ombudsman, coronavirus and crisis management” highlights key findings about the challenges faced by Ombudsman organisations globally.
8. Oktober 2020
The Provincial Ombudsman Sindh has approved a research study with Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) entitled study on “Issues of Girls’ Education in Sindh”, funded by IOI through Regional Subsidy Programme 2018-2019.
8. Oktober 2020
The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman’s annual report for 2019-20 demonstrated how the work of the Office is improving public administration in Queensland. This year, the Office made 244 recommendations to public sector agencies to improve administrative practices and 100% of recommendations were accepted.
8. Oktober 2020
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe invita a la conferencia magistral “La pandemia: mirada global, medidas sanitarias y sociales”, que brindará este jueves 15 de octubre, a las 13 horas, el doctor Alejandro Roisentul, argentino nominado al Premio Nobel de la Paz por su labor humanitaria en Israel. La exposición se realizará a través de la plataforma Zoom y la inscripción es libre y gratuita.
6. Oktober 2020
The Ombudsman for Children has developed materials for educators to explore issues relating to children’s rights in Ireland with children and young people.
6. Oktober 2020
A vulnerable young adult with learning disabilities lost sight in her right eye after staff at a specialist residential learning disability unit failed to monitor her injury properly.
6. Oktober 2020
A partir de ce 1er octobre 2020, les détenus bénéficient d’un droit formel de plainte contre les décisions de la direction de la prison.