21. Dezember 2023
On 14 December 2023, the Ombudsman Ms Winnie Chiu announced the completion of a direct investigation into the repairs and maintenance of outdoor recreational and sports facilities under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
21. Dezember 2023
On Thursday, 14 December 2023, an online meeting of extraordinary significance took place between Dr. Marino Fardelli, President of the National Coordination of Italian Ombudsmen and Ombudsman of the Lazio Region, and Adv. Kholeka Gcaleka, Public Protector of South Africa. Both were recently elected to their respective boards for Europe and Africa within the International Ombudsman Institute.
21. Dezember 2023
The IOI General Secretariat wishes you all a festive holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Le Secrétariat général de l'IIO vous souhaite d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année et une très bonne année 2024 !

¡La Secretaría General del IIO les desea a todos unas fiestas llenas de felicidad y lo mejor para el año nuevo!

21. Dezember 2023
In the spirit of solidarity and oneness, on 9 December 2023, the Office of the Ombudsman joined the Anti-Corruption Bureau in commemorating the International Anti-Corruption Day (IAD) and the Bureau’s 25 years Anniversary in Balaka.
21. Dezember 2023
On 19 and 20 December 2023, the Commissioners of the Ombudsman of Indonesia and the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands met in Bogor, Indonesia, for a leadership retreat. The topics on the agenda of this meeting were the Venice Principles, institutional transformation, and other topics related to the Grand Design of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia for 2025-2045. 
21. Dezember 2023
El defensor del Pueblo a/c, Jorge Henn, recibió a un grupo de afiliadas que padecen diabetes del tipo 1 o progenitores de niños con esa patología, quienes le presentaron una nota en la cual describen los padeceres en pos de garantizarse sus tratamientos: largas esperas para acceder a los insumos, dilaciones burocráticas y presupuestos que quedan obsoletos como consecuencia de la aceleración de la inflación.
21. Dezember 2023
La síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, y la presidenta del Foro de Síndics, Síndicas, Defensores y Defensoras Locales de Cataluña, Dolors Vallejo, firmaron el 13 de diciembre de 2023 un convenio de colaboración con la voluntad de avanzar conjuntamente en la defensa decidida de los derechos de las personas.
21. Dezember 2023
CY Members Li-chiung SU and Jung-chang WANG conducted an annual local circuit supervision of Taichung City Government on 24 November 2023. In addition to receiving complaints from the public, they also expressed a particular interest in the investment status of the Taichung Popular Audiovisual Center and the maintenance of the facilities at Taichung Central Park.