14. Dezember 2023
December 9 marks the commemoration of International Anti-Corruption Day and as part of the observance, the Office of the Ombudsman held the SIKHAY LABAN SA KORAPSYON (SiLaK) Galvanizing the Anti-Corruption Sector Thru Strategic Innovations and Gender Mainstreaming, with the participation of various stakeholders and civil society organizations. 
14. Dezember 2023
New Zealand has a substantial indigenous population, the Māori people. The Ombudsman in New Zealand has been conscious that Māori have not always been well-served by the State and that there have been periods in New Zealand’s post-European history of unfairness and unreasonableness towards Māori.
14. Dezember 2023
Le protecteur du citoyen, Marc-André Dowd, a rendu public le 7 décembre 2023 un rapport spécial en matière d’intégrité publique intitulé Notoriété et crédibilité des mécanismes de divulgation au sein des organismes publics québécois. Ses constats résultent d’un sondage auprès du personnel de l’État pour évaluer la notoriété des moyens de divulgation, leur accessibilité et la confiance qu’ils inspirent.
14. Dezember 2023
On 7 December 2023, Québec Ombudsman Marc-André Dowd released his special report on public integrity: Notoriété et crédibilité des mécanismes de divulgation au sein des organismes publics québécois. His findings are based on a survey of government employees to assess awareness of disclosure mechanisms, their accessibility and the trust they inspire.
14. Dezember 2023
Three oversight Officers of the Legislature are urging the BC government to expand its consultation on draft principles for the responsible use of artificial intelligence to members of the public in a letter to Minister of Citizens’ Services Lisa Beare. The ministry’s consultation is currently restricted to employees of the BC public service. The officers are also calling on government to ensure clear legislation is in place to protect the interest of British Columbians when AI is used.
14. Dezember 2023
After successfully conducting the first phase of awareness campaign under the IOI regional subsidy project, the IOI General Secretariat has extended the said project further under the IOI regional subsidy project and granted a subsidy grant worth 2,667/-€. A detailed plan of different activities was prepared for the proper utilization of this grant/amount.
14. Dezember 2023
On 7 December 2023, the Malawi Parliament passed the Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2023 after close to one and half hours of scrutiny. This bill seeks to amend the Ombudsman Act (Cap. 3:07) in order to clarify and strengthen the legal framework of the jurisdiction and mandate of the Ombudsman.
14. Dezember 2023
The African Ombudsman and Mediators Association (AOMA) successfully concluded its 7th General Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda, from 27-29 November 2023. Themed "Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Mediation and Ombudsman Roles," this assembly was a pivotal forum for leaders and delegates from across Africa to engage in meaningful discussions regarding the evolving ethical considerations in mediation and Ombudsman services.