30. November 2023
At the end of November 2023, the Office of the Ombudsman (OoO) in Malawi joined other governance and oversight institutions to attend the National Anti-Corruption symposium hosted by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).
30. November 2023
On 6 November 2023, the Honourable Federal Commissioner Public Complaints Commission, Anambra State, Hon. Lolo Emelda Nwajiofor-Okoli, led a delegation on a courtesy visit to the Honourable Commissioner for Environment, Engr. Dr Felix Odumegwu, at the Ministry of Environment, State Secretariat complex, Awka. Hon. Nwajiofor-Okoli engaged the Commissioner for Environment on the crucial role of the Public Complaints Commission as a watchdog for addressing administrative grievances affecting Anambrarians.
30. November 2023
La Defensoría Pública de la Unión (DPU) de Brasil, en colaboración con el Instituto de Políticas Públicas en Derechos Humanos del Mercosur (IPPDH), la Embajada de Brasil en Buenos Aires y el Instituto Guimarães Rosa, inauguró, en 21 de septiembre de 2023, la muestra fotográfica CASA en la sede del IPPDH - Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
30. November 2023
El Observatorio de Femicidios de la Defensoría del Pueblo publicó las cifras preliminares de los femicidios ocurridos en Argentina hasta el 15 de noviembre de 2023, en conmemoración por el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer.
30. November 2023
El defensor del Pueblo a cargo, Gabriel Savino, participó de la presentación del programa de extensión “Problemáticas auditivas y sus avatares en la subjetividad”. Profesionales de la institución debatieron sobre políticas y estructuras públicas destinadas al sector.
30. November 2023
En France, le Défenseur des droits est chargé de veiller, entre autres, missions aux droits des enfants, et publie chaque année un rapport sur les droits des enfants. Le 15 novembre, le Défenseur des droits a publié l’édition 2023, consacrée au droit aux loisirs, au sport, et à la culture.
30. November 2023
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman investigated a complaint about a fall in the standard of care given to a young woman with complex medical needs when she turned 18. Through her childhood years, the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust delivered an effective care package to the young woman, who had learning difficulties and a life limiting illness. 
30. November 2023
On 28 November 2023, Canada’s Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson, Mr. François Boileau, released his annual report, Upholding Your Rights, which was tabled in the House of Commons by Ms. Iqra Khalid, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue. The report provides an overview of the activities of the Office of the Taxpayers’ Ombudsperson (OTO) between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.