21. Dezember 2023
On 13 December 2023, the National Ombudsman of New Zealand, Peter Boshier, published an ‘insights and observations’ report following his visits to regions and communities worst affected by the series of extreme weather events that ravaged the North Island at the start of the year.
15. Dezember 2023
On 13 May 2024 the 13th IOI World Conference starts in The Hague. The aim of the IOI conference is to focus on what we as Ombudsman can do for citizens to make a better future for all.
14. Dezember 2023
Representatives of the Gender Department and Regional Division of the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia held several dozens of meetings in different cities and villages of Georgia within the framework of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
14. Dezember 2023
On 18 December 2022, 20 years had passed since the adoption, by the UN General Assembly, of the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Thanks to the implementation of the OPCAT into the Polish legal system, the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture has been operating in Poland for nearly 15 years already as part of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights.
14. Dezember 2023
On 20-24 November 2023, Seimas Ombudsperson Erika Leonaitė and the advisors of the Human Rights Division of the Office visited Copenhagen. The study visit was organised by the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman's Office, which not only deals with complaints, like most Ombudsman institutions, but also carries out national torture prevention functions in accordance with the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
14. Dezember 2023
La Defensora del Pueblo porteño formó parte del panel “Institucionalidad y experiencias de las Defensorías Locales en América Latina”, donde expuso sobre los vínculos de cooperación entre las Defensorías regionales e internacionales, la colaboración con dependencias gubernamentales y las acciones efectivas que llevó adelante desde el comienzo de su gestión para responder las demandas de los vecinos y vecinas de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
14. Dezember 2023
The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Iain Anderson, in his role as Defence Force Ombudsman, published his own motion inquiry report, Defending Fairness: Does Defence handle unacceptable behaviour complaints effectively?
14. Dezember 2023
On 6 December 2023, the Victorian Ombudsman tabled in Parliament her report Alleged politicisation of the public sector: Investigation of a matter referred from the Legislative Council on 9 February 2022 – Part 2. It stemmed from a motion requiring the Ombudsman to investigate several matters, including an allegation about the politicisation of the public sector.