6. Juni 2019
The Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia published two ad hoc reports and a concept note in the capacity of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM).
6. Juni 2019
The local government ordered a ban on changes on recently purchased, undeveloped land. However, the same ban does not apply to the adjacent plot in local government ownership. During his inquiry the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights established that a ban imposed in such a manner runs counter to the requirement of equal rights stipulated by the Fundamental Law of Hungary.
6. Juni 2019
Representantes de la Asociación de Discapacitados Visuales y Auditivos de Fuerteventura (ADIVIA) se reunieron en la mañana de hoy con el Diputado del Común, Rafael Yanes, con el fin de trasladarle la necesidad de que los Ayuntamientos de Canarias creen una Concejalía específica de Accesibilidad y Movilidad.
6. Juni 2019
Las políticas de calidad del aire deben tener como objetivo lograr un territorio neutro en emisiones que garantice, de una forma efectiva, la protección de la salud y del medio ambiente.
6. Juni 2019
The promotion and defense of the rights of the child are fundamental tasks of the State and of the community, being assumed not only as ethical duties, but also as obligations that have already reached the juridical level, based on national and international instruments. Therefore, celebrating the day of the child implies to affirm its singularity as a holder of autonomous rights, specifically recognized to meet the special needs demanded by the different stages of development of childhood and adolescence.
6. Juni 2019
The 12th World Conference and General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute will be hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland and held in Dublin, Ireland between 17 and 22 May 2020. Save the date! The IOI is looking forward to an active participation!
6. Juni 2019
Today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Dunja Mijatović, published a comment on the interdependence between human rights and the environment.
6. Juni 2019
This handbook is a practice-oriented sequel of the “Cities Free of Rumours” Guide published in 2015 by the Council of Europe. The lessons learned in recent years coupled with the growth in the number of cities that have joined the ARS and the interest it has generated since then, call for an update and further systematization of the antirumours approach and methodology. The handbook also provides practical examples to help and inspire cities and other stakeholders interested in learning more about this initiative and how to put it into practice.