9. Jänner 2019
The Human Rights Defender published a Concept document on Combating Criminal Subculture in Penitentiary Institutions of the Ministry of Justice in the form of an ad hoc thematic report. The Criminal Subculture (informal prison hierarchy) in Penitentiary Institutions and its impact on the relations between persons deprived of liberty and on the penitentiary system have been comprehensively reviewed and monitored by using special tools and criteria.


8. Jänner 2019
This year, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass prepared a video of the “2018 year in review” presenting the nine investigation reports tabled by the Victorian Ombudsman throughout the year.
8. Jänner 2019
En el Perú, un millón 473 mil 583 personas presentan dificultad visual; de estos, el 61% son mujeres y el 39% son hombres. Por ello, la Defensoría del Pueblo del Perú  exhorta al Estado a facilitar el aprendizaje del sistema Braille a las personas ciegas.
8. Jänner 2019
Manitoba Ombudsman has developed new privacy breach resources for Manitoba public bodies and trustees, including an online reporting form and new guidance documents.
8. Jänner 2019
Le Médiateur du Faso, Madame Saran Sereme Sere a remis officiellement le lundi 24 décembre 2018, les rapports 2015, 2016 et 2017 de l’Institution au Président du Faso. La remise officielle du rapport d’activités annuel est une disposition consacrée par la loi n° n° 017-2013/AN du 16 mai 2013 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du Médiateur du Faso.
8. Jänner 2019
The Control Yuan organized the “2018 Workshop on the Rights of People with Disabilities” on December 7, gathering together representatives of people with disabilities, relevant government agencies and civil organizations, as well as expert scholars in related fields to discuss ways of fostering a disability-friendly environment so as to enhance protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.



7. Jänner 2019
Se publica el Boletín Estadístico de la Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación Nº 12 con datos actualizados al tercer trimestre de 2018. Los boletines estadísticos del Organismo visibilizan el trabajo institucional realizado sobre aquellos fenómenos estructurales del sistema carcelario.
2. Jänner 2019
On 21 December 2018 the Human Rights Defender received the “State Institution of the Year” award at the Armenian PR Awards in recognition of the instution’s public and transparent work.