2. Jänner 2019
La Procuración Penitenciaria de la Nación (PPN) presenta una nueva publicación que analiza las problemáticas carcelarias y las recomendaciones emitidas por el organismo en un lapso de diez años (2006-2016).
2. Jänner 2019
Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, que Dieu L’assiste, a reçu le 13 décembre 2018 au Palais Royal de Rabat, M. Mohamed Benalilou, que le Souverain a nommé au poste de Médiateur.
2. Jänner 2019
On 17 December 2018 Ms Gwendoline E. Mossel took the oath of office before Parliament. Ms Mossel has officially assumed her post as the country’s second Ombudsman on 1 January 2019. She follows Dr. Rachnilda Arduin, who was honorably discharged on 31 December 2018.
21. Dezember 2018
The IOI General Secretariat wishes you all a festive holiday season and a happy New Year!

Le Secrétariat général vous souhaite d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année et une très bonne année 2019 !

¡La Secretaría General del IIO les desea a todos unas fiestas llenas de felicidad y lo mejor para el año nuevo!

21. Dezember 2018
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman publishes a report about its investigation into the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) regulation of the Fit and Proper Persons Requirement (FPPR), which requires NHS providers to ensure that their directors are ‘fit and proper’ to carry out their duties.
20. Dezember 2018
On 10th December 2018 the Gibraltar Public Services celebrated 20 years to the day since the enactment by Parliament of the Public Services Ombudsman Act 1998. This was followed shortly after by the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman in Gibraltar.


20. Dezember 2018
On 18th December the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe published a comment on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Paris Principles highlightening the important contribution of NHRIs, especially in the current context of retrogression on human rights. The comment also raises concern about attacks on the independence and efficiency of NHRIs, and articulates a number of recommendations.


19. Dezember 2018
Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) in the field of ombudsmanship between Thai Ombudsman and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) of Japa.