Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2019-04-24

    Ombudsman continues public awareness on prevention of violence in the schools

    The Azerbaijani Ombudsman continues public awareness activities in the schools on gender equality and prevention of violence. In the event which was held at one of the schools of Baku city the specialized advisor of the Ombudsman spoke about the main directions of the activities in the field of gender equality and drew the attention of audience to the concerns on effective combating the violence.      

  • 2019-05-21

    Ombudsman publishes summaries of selected cases and 2018 Year in Review in Cayman Islands

    The Office of the Ombudsman has added a new section to their website.  Summaries of selected cases can be found under the “Outcomes” tab at  These summaries provide insight into specific cases dealt with by the Ombudsman and include details about the resolution of those cases. 

  • 2019-06-06

    12th IOI World Conference to be held in Dublin in May 2020

    The 12th World Conference and General Assembly of the International Ombudsman Institute will be hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland and held in Dublin, Ireland between 17 and 22 May 2020. Save the date! The IOI is looking forward to an active participation!

  • 2019-07-01

    The Azerbaijani Ombudsman welcomes delegation of the CoE

    A meeting was held at the Office of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman with the delegation of the Council of Europe headed by Naomi Trewinnard, senior project officer on “End Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse @ Europe”, in the frame of a fact finding visit to Azerbaijan.

  • 2019-08-01

    BC Ombudsperson monitoring Ministry of Education’s response to the grade 12 exam tabulation error

    The British Columbia Ombudsperson is monitoring the Ministry of Education’s response to the province-wide grade 12 exam tabulation error affecting students and families across the British Columbia (BC).

  • 2019-08-28

    IOI Europe quadrennial conference - papers available online

    On the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Office of Federal Ombudsman of Belgium hosted the quadrennial conference of the IOI’s European Region in Brussels in October 2018. The event invited Ombudsman colleagues to discuss “The Ombudsman in an open and participatory society”. Conference presentations and papers are now available online in the “Member Area” of the IOI website.

  • 2019-09-02

    Ombudsman requests Constitutional Court to review constitutionality of statute establishing a general obligation to retain telecommunications data

    The Ombudsman has asked the Constitutional Court to review the constitutionality of Articles 4, 6 and 9 of Law 32/2008 of 17 July, which transposes Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March, concerning the conservation of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or public communications networks.

  • 2019-10-04

    Dutch Ombudsman hosts Poldershop on “Ombudsman Tools”

    Dutch National Ombudsman Reinier Van Zutphen invites to the next Poldershop, which will take place in The Hague on Friday, 1 November 2019. This edition of the Poldershop is about how Ombudsman assess the actions of the government? On what basis do they reach their decisions?

  • 2019-10-17

    XXXIV Jornadas de coordinación de Defensores del Pueblo

    El ararteko Manuel Lezertua y la adjunta Julia Hernández participan estos días en Sevilla, España, en las XXXIV Jornadas de Coordinación de los Defensores del Pueblo, donde debaten sobre la "La atención a menores extranjeros no acompañados".

  • 2019-10-21

    Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman becomes new Supreme Court Justice

    In September this year, the Danish Supreme Court announced that the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr. Jørgen Steen Sørensen, had passed the test required to become a Supreme Court Justice. This means that Ombudsman Sørensen will take up his post as a Justice in the Danish Supreme Court on 1 November 2019.

  • 2019-10-28

    Ombudsman’s Casebook October 2019

    The Ombudsman of Ireland has recently published the latest edition of the Ombudsman’s Casebook. The idea behind this Casebook is to promote learning from complaints. There is a wide variety of case summaries which are intended to help service providers to avoid making the mistakes of others or to improve systems to prevent unintended consequences.

  • 2019-12-02

    Waka Tangata – issue 3 of the APOR E-news now available

    The Waka Tangata APOR E-News includes news and views from integrity organisations in the Pacific and Australasian Region. Issue 3 of the Waka Tangata APOR E-news is now available online.

  • 2020-01-22

    Catalan Ombudsman hosts workshop on artificial intelligence and human rights

    The IOI and the Catalan Ombudsman organize an international workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights - challenges, functions and mechanisms”, to be held in Barcelona from 2 – 3 March 2020. Registration is now open!

  • 2020-03-04

    Ombudsman participated in international workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

    The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, and the Deputy Ombudsman, Teresa Anjinho, participated in an international workshop on "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights", organised by the IOI and the Catalan Ombudsman, in Barcelona from 2 – 3 March 2020.

  • 2020-03-18

    Public Defender issues statement on human rights standards during a pandemic

    The Public Defender of Georgia is closely monitoring the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the spread of coronavirus. It its efforts to provide the public with information about the most frequently asked questions regarding human rights standards in the current situation, the Public Defender issued statement containing relevant information on human rights standards during a pandemic/epidemic.

  • 2020-04-03

    Note on exceptional and temporary justified absences motivated by family assistance

    The Ombudsman received several complaints from workers whose functions are incompatible with the teleworking regime and are forced to miss work to provide support to the elderly who are part of their household and depend on their permanent support, especially in the face of the recent closure of social responses in which they were integrated (day centers and homes).

  • 2020-04-20

    Ontario Ombudsman's statement on office services during COVID-19

    Last week, Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé released his latest Ombudsman’s message, stressing that his office continues to help Ontarians during the present state of emergency, and has responded to hundreds of public complaints related to the COVID-19 coronavirus.

  • 2020-06-04

    The European Ombudsman turns 25

    2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the European Ombudsman. From small beginnings in 1995, the institution has grown to become a recognised and respected upholder of transparency, ethics and accountability in the EU administration.

  • 2020-06-17

    Waka Tangata – issue 5 of the APOR E-news now available

    The Waka Tangata APOR E-News includes news and views from integrity organisations in the Pacific and Australasian Region. Issue 5 of the Waka Tangata APOR E-news is now available online.

  • 2020-08-10

    Guidance on monitoring places of detention through the COVID-19 Pandemic

    In June 2020, the APT in partnership with OSCE/ODIHR, elaborated a practical guidance on how NPMs can continue their monitoring functions in order to address the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The French and Spanish versions of the guidance are now available online.

Showing 4661 to 4680 of 5106 entries