Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2018-04-26

    Northern Ireland Ombudsman publishes first Quartery Bulletin

    Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman publishes its first Quarterly Bulletin, which aims to provide readers with a short, easy-to-read summary of news from the Office, drawing attention to the most recent investigation reports, providing updates on new initiatives, and highlighting other aspects of the Ombudsman’s work.

  • 2018-05-15

    A Mission to Justice - The International Ombudsman Institute 1978-2018

    In order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its foundation in 1978, the IOI commissioned Professor Richard Carver, Senior Lecturer in Human Rights and Governance at Oxford Brooks University, with the task of writing a book to portray the history of the IOI and its development in the wider historical context of Ombudsmanship.

  • 2018-05-30

    Ombudsman opens new family room at Mater hospital

    Ombudsman Peter Tyndall Monday opened a new family and patient room at the Mater Hospital, Dublin. The family room is part of the Mater’s “end of life” care service and will give families who are losing a loved one a quiet, comfortable and private space where they can also stay the night.

  • 2018-06-08

    Best Practice Paper on securing effective change

    The 2nd issue of the IOI’s Best Practice Paper series deals with the question of how to secure effective change. It draws on the experience of IOI member institutions and highlights ways of working that are most likely to bring about a successful outcome and make recommendations that result in sustainable improvements to public administration.

  • 2018-06-20

    Memorandum of Understanding between General Inspection Organization and Anti-Corruption Directorate of Azerbaijan

    The General Inspection Organization (the GIO) of Islamic Republic of Iran hosted Deputy Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Director of the Anti-corruption Directorate with the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan during June 17 - 21, 2018. Both organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to boost cooperation in the fields of complaint management and anti-corruption activities.

  • 2018-07-02

    Ombudsman and IOI President meets President of the Taiwan Control Yuan

    Irish Ombudsman and IOI President Peter Tyndall met with Dr. Chang Po-Ya, President Control Yuan of Taiwan, Dr. Bau Tzong-ho, Member, and Ms Uang, Lin-Ling, Director of the General Planning Office, when they visited Dublin on Wednesday 27 June.

  • 2018-08-10

    PHSO Radio Ombudsman podcast

    Radio Ombudsman is the regular podcast of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) featuring conversations on a range of topics such as NHS investigations, good complaint handling and improving public services. The podcast is hosted by Ombudsman Rob Behrens and it aims to generate lively discussion and interesting ideas.

  • 2018-08-21

    New Commissioners promise to serve Kenyans

    A week after assuming office at the Commission, three new Commissioners have reiterated their resolve to live up to the expectations of the Kenyan public and serve them with utmost dedication and humility.

  • 2018-09-19

    Ombudswoman receives Czech Republic Parliamentary delegation's visit

    Deputy Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter presented the mandates and the institution’s work regarding the minority issues, implementation of the Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities and protection against discrimination to the Czech Republic Parliamentary delegation during their visit.

  • 2018-10-02

    The Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Turkey published its special report on Syrian refugees titled “Syrians in Turkey”

    The Turkish Ombudsman published its special report on Syrian refugees and asked to have this report distributed. The report examines the issue of Syrian Refugees in Turkey in detail, by studying the problem, researching the studies already made and proposing the necessary solutions.  

  • 2018-10-08

    Ombudsman Tyndall holds regional 'Outreach' event

    In September Ombudsman Peter Tyndall led a series of “outreach” events in Drogheda, County Louth in the north east of Ireland. The event was part of the Ombudsman's outreach programme which also involves monthly visits to Cork, Galway and Limerick. The Ombudsman team received 31 complaints from the Louth public at its “complaints clinic” in Drogheda, on Thursday 27 September. 

  • 2019-01-10

    IOI President appears before UK Parliamentary Committee

    On Tuesday 8 January IOI President and Irish Ombudsman Peter Tyndall appeared before the UK Parliament’s Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Mr Tyndall was giving his observations on the performance of the UK Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.  This followed a peer review of the PHSO which Mr Tyndall chaired with Caroline Mitchell (Lead Ombudsman Financial Ombudsman Service) and Chris Gill (lecturer, University of Glasgow).  

  • 2019-01-16

    OGP Webinar on effectively engaging people with disabilities

    The Open Government Partnership (OGP) in cooperation with the Government of Canada will hold a webinar on how to effectively engaging people with disabilities. The webinar is part of a series on the topic of inclusive open government. It will be held on 23 January 2019 (10:00 – 11:30 AM EST / 4:00 – 5:30 PM CET). 

  • 2019-01-16

    Sha Abdul Latif University pays service dues on orders of Ombudsman Sindh

    A retired government employee approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik with the complaint that Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur did not pay her outstanding pension and commutation dues and was delaying the matter on one pretext or the other. Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate enquiry in the matter.  

  • 2019-01-21

    Ombudsman detects illegal deprivation of liberty in psychiatric institution – criminal case initiated

    Based on the materials prepared on the basis of the decision of the Human Rights Defender on violation of human rights, the Police initiated a criminal case on illegally keeping a person in a psychiatric hospital.

  • 2019-02-05

    Save the Date! Poldershop: "Ombudsman tools - What are they and how do you use them?"

    On Friday 1 November 2019 the office of the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands will organize a Poldershop on how ombudsman assess the actions of government. Some ombudsman refer to the law, others to human rights treaties and still others have their own list of norms. Save the date!  

  • 2019-02-11

    Annual Report 2017/2018

    The IOI reviews another operational year and is pleased to inform its members about far-reaching developments and achievements in 2017/2018. It has been a busy year that saw the realization of many ambitious projects and the organization’s 40th anniversary.

  • 2019-02-11

    “Research Handbook on the Ombudsman” with foreword by IOI President

    A new book edited by Marc Hertogh and Richard Kirkham brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss state-of-the-art-research on the 'ombudsman' institution. 'Research Handbook on the Ombudsman' illustrates how empirical research may contribute to a better understanding of the ombudsman in action.

  • 2019-03-18

    Introducing the new Ombudsman

    Dr. Endale Haile was appointed Chief Ombudsman of Ethiopia in June 2018, replacing the Hon. Mrs Fozia Amin. Dr Haile began his career in education and spent five years as a member in the Ethiopian Parliament.

  • 2019-03-18

    International workshop Aosta Valley 28 – 29 March 2019

    The Ombudsman of Valle d’Aosta (Italy), Mr Enrico Formento Dojot, generously hosts an IOI Workshop in Aosta from 28 – 29 March 2019. The workshop will focus on the topic of “Working Network: Experience and Perspective of an upcoming reality” and held at the Palazzo Regionale in Aosta.

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