Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2016-01-12

    European Region holds election

    The European Region of the IOI held elections to fill the vacant position of the Regional President and of one Member of the Board.

  • 2016-02-19

    Unacceptable detention conditions and insufficient crime prevention in Québec’s inuit villages

    In a report tabled on February 18, 2016, the Québec Ombudsman concluded that the detention conditions of detainees in Nunavik, a territority located north of the 55th parallel in Québec, are unnacceptable and that crime prevention measures are woefully lacking.

  • 2016-02-26

    Reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities

    New Zealand’s Independent Monitoring Mechanism under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (comprising the Office of the Ombudsman, the Human Rights Commission and the Convention Coalition Monitoring Group), has published a guide on « Reasonable accommodation of persons with disabilities », which aims at assisting persons with disabilities to understand their rights to request reasonable accommodation.

  • 2016-03-15

    New Human Rights Defender appointed

    On 23 February 2016, Mr Arman Tatoyan has been elected as Human Rights Defender of Armenia. Mr Tatoyan follows the former Human Rights Defender Karen Andreasian, who resigned in January 2016.

  • 2016-03-25

    Joint IOI-ENNHRI side event at ICC/GANHRI Annual Meeting in Geneva

    On 22 March 2016 a panel discussion was held in Geneva on a human rights based approach to the work of ombudsmen.

  • 2016-04-15

    Belfast Conference on a human rights approach to the work of Ombudsmen

    The Offices of the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) invite you to participate in an International Conference (25-27 May 2016) which will focus on sharing the features and benefits of a Human Rights based approach with a bespoke staff manual and on-line tools.   

  • 2016-06-14

    Ombudsman Hong Kong announces results of three direct investigation reports

    The Ombudsman announces reports on “MD’s Follow-up Mechanism on Recommendations Made in Marine Incident Investigation Reports” on “Government's Tree Management Regime and Practices” and “Government’s Handling of four Stonewall Trees along Bonham Road” in a press conference this week.

  • 2016-06-20

    Québec Ombudsman tabled report on private senior’s residences

    In a special report released on June 16, 2016, the Québec Ombudsman shed light on the difficulties tenants in private seniors’ residences experience in having their rights upheld when they have to face off against the owner in court. It issued seven recommendations aimed at giving these seniors a fair chance to defend their rights.

  • 2016-07-15

    Austrian Ombudsman Board submits Report on the Prevention of Torture to the UN Subcommittee (SPT)

    The AOB is obliged to annually report and inform the SPT about its work under the OPCAT mandate. The report on the prevention of torture 2015 gives an account of the activities of the Austrian National Preventive Mechanism.

  • 2016-07-21

    IOI President Walters visits GIO

    During 17 – 21 July 2016 Adv. John R. Walters, the President of the IOI and Ombudsman of Namibia, was invited and hosted by the President of General Inspection Organization (GIO) of Iran, Justice Naser Seraj.

  • 2016-08-12

    IOI Secretary General Kraeuter meets Ombudsman of South Tyrol

    After holding consultation days in Vorarlberg and Tyrol Ombudsman Guenther Kraeuter followed an invitation from the South Tyrol Ombudsman, Gabriele Morandell, this week. As part of a public event in Bolzano Kraeuter presented the Austrian institution and explained the main tasks of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI).

  • 2016-09-06

    11th National Investigations Symposium - Sydney, November 2016

    The National Investigation Symposium is a joint initiative of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption, the NSW Ombudsman and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) NSW. This is a biennial event, with the 11th symposium to be held in Sydney in November 2016.

  • 2016-10-31

    Victorian Ombudsman tabled Ombudsman enquiries on why informal resolution matters

    Senior citizens unable to file statements online, a ratepayer charged over $7,000 to remove a tree, and the worried mother of a prisoner are just some of the members of the public Victorian Ombudsman staff deal with every day.

  • 2016-11-17

    11th IOI World Conference currently held in Bangkok

    After a successful General Assembly held in Thailand on 15 November 2016, the 11th IOI World Conference is currently being held in Bangkok and generously hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman in Thailand. To see a first media release, please read the following news article.

  • 2016-12-20

    Annual Conference of the Peoples’s Advocate focuses on SDG implementation

    This year, the Annual Conference of People’s Advocate was focused on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) at country level and the role of NHRI in this process.

  • 2017-01-09

    NSW Ombudsman tables report on Operation Prospect

    The report of the NSW Ombudsman investigation known as “Operation Prospect” is a comprehensive investigation of allegations and complaints about the conduct of officers of the NSW Police Force (NSWPF), the NSW Crime Commission (NSWCC) and the Police Integrity Commission (PIC). The six volume report culminates the largest investigation to have been undertaken by an Ombudsman in Australia.

  • 2017-01-12

    Michael King begins term as new Local Government Ombudsman

    Michael King starts his role as the new Local Government Ombudsman today (11th), bringing an extensive 25-year career in a range of consumer and public protection roles to the position.

  • 2017-03-14

    4th International Symposium on Ombudsman Institutions successfully held in Ankara

    On 2-3 March 2017, the 4th International Symposium on Ombudsman Institutions on the main theme of “Migration and Refugees” was held in Ankara. 48 representatives from 33 Ombudsman Institutions from all over the world attended the Symposium.

  • 2017-05-29

    Moldovan Ombudsman's statute regulated by the Constitution

    The Office of the People’s Advocate of Moldova announced that the statute and role of the People’s Advocate have been enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

  • 2017-07-06

    Council of Europe presents Action Plan on Protecting Refugee Children

    The Council of Europe Action Plan on Protecting Refugee and Migrant Children in Europe (2017-2019) complements the work of other international institutions such as the UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO and the EU and concentrates on the norms and added values of the Council of Europe.

Showing 4601 to 4620 of 5106 entries