Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsman’s office meeting the challenge
The Office of Ombudsman has told Parliament that it has made significant progress in effectively managing its work to make sure people are treated fairly in New Zealand.
Ombudsman service to ‘radically’ change in modernisation drive
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has embarked on the second stage of its modernisation drive to radically change the service it provides to people with complaints about the NHS in England and UK government departments and their agencies.
Landmark decision to make lives of mothers and babies safer
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s casework revealed that the lives of mothers and babies could be put at risk because of an inherent conflict of interest in the supervision of midwives.
January news from the Commonwealth Ombudsman
Commonwealth Ombudsman Colin Neave informs about the latest developments and achievement of his office in January 2015.
Dutch parliament appoints Van Zutphen as National Ombudsman
The Dutch House of Representatives has today appointed Reinier van Zutphen to the post of National Ombudsman of the Netherlands. The news was welcomed by the Acting and Deputy National Ombudsmen and the National Ombudsman Office.
Ombudsman Concludes Sanctions Against Inmate were Excessive, Identifies Systemic Problems with Prison Disciplinary Practices
The Iowa Department of Corrections' encouragement of an "open-door policy" between its prison staff and administrative law judges differs from other state agencies and violates inmates' due-process rights in disciplinary hearings, the Office of Ombudsman has concluded.
NI Ombudsman presents Human Rights Manual to Ombudsman staff
Deputy Northern Ireland Ombudsman Marie Anderson together with the Director of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Ms Virginia McVea, presented the results of a joint project on a “Human Rights-based approach to the Ombudsman work” to staff members from the Austrian Ombudsman Board in Vienna.
Victorian Ombudsman to investigat allegations of abuse in the disability sector
There has been widespread concern about the way in which allegations of abuse in the disability sector are handled. In response, the Victorian Ombudsman announced an investigation into how such allegations are reported and investigated.
It is our pleasure to announce a new edition of IOI’s anti-corruption training course. Date: 27 – 28 May 2015 Venue: Renaissance Curaçao Resort, Willemstad Host: Ombudsman of Curaçao
Regional Press releases from latest Case Summary Report of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman just released the latest case summaries from West Yorkshire, London, Yorkshire, Essex, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Hertfordshire.
New Chancellor of Justice Ülle Madise took oath of office
On 31 March Ülle Madise took the oath of office of the Chancellor of Justice before the new Riigikogu and began to fulfil the duties of the Chancellor of Justice.
Karachi Metropolitain Corporation pays G.P. Fund to retired government servant
Karachi Metropolitain Corporation paid General Provident Fund to a retired government employee on the orders of Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan). According to the details, the government servant had retired as Public Relation Officer. The department was delaying the legitimate dues of General Provident Fund, on flimsy pretexts.
Victorian Ombudsman welcomes government response on age care facility
The Ombudsman welcomed the government's acceptance of her recommendation to make ex gratia payments to former residents of the Mentone Gardens aged care facility. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass is pleased the government is taking steps to make redress.
Director of the IT Department of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Guinea visits the IOI General Secretariat and the Austrian Ombudsman Board
On July 9 2015 Mr. Gabriel GUILAVOGUI, IT Director of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Guinea, visited the IOI General Secretariat and the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) .
NSW Ombudsman Bruce Barbour leaves office
The current term of office of New South Wales Ombudsman Bruce Barbour ended on 30 June 2015. After 15 years in office, Mr Barbour will be succeeded by Prof. John McMillan, who will commence a two year term as Acting Ombudsman on 1 August 2015.
Information Bulletin July 2015
The July bulletin reflects important activities of the Public Defender and his office. You will learn about the Public Defender’s annual report presented to the Parliament, where Ucha Nanuashvili talked about the situation of human rights in the country and answered the MP’s questions. As per the Parliament’s decree, the Human Rights Committee will monitor implementation of the recommendations included in the Public Defender’s report.
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman comments on adult social care complaints report
Commenting on the Local Government Ombudsman's report highlighting the number of complaints it has received about adult social care in 2014/15, and the reasons behind the complaints, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Julie Mellor confirms that the number of unresolved complaints receive about the NHS in England and UK government departments is steadily increasing.
FRA Report on violence against children with disabilities
This summary report outlines relevant international and European standards and reviews national legislation and policies addressing violence against children with disabilities. The summary also explores the extent and different causes, settings and forms of such violence, and presents measures and initiatives to prevent it.
14th Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA) Conference and 17th AOA Board of Directors’ Meeting
The 14th Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA) Conference and General Assembly Meeting together with the 17th AOA Board of Directors Meeting were hosted by the Honourable Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan, H.E. Mr. M. Salman Faruqui on 24 & 25 November 2015 in Islamabad.
Victorian Ombudsman investigates public transport fare enforcement
The Victorian Ombudsman has commenced an ‘own motion’ investigation into public transport fare enforcement measures.