23. September 2020
Este lunes, 21 de septiembre, el Síndic de Greuges, Rafael Ribó, ha comparecido en el Parlamento de Cataluña para el debate en la Comisión del Síndic de Greuges de su Informe Estimación del coste de la plaza escolar en Cataluña. El informe calcula el coste teórico de la plaza escolar en un escenario hipotético de plena escolarización equilibrada del alumnado, que actualmente no se produce, e incorpora la gratuidad de las actividades complementarias y material escolar. 
23. September 2020
The UN and Tripartite Partnership Partners (TPP) GANHRI, UNDP and OHCHR is supporting NHRIs in many contexts during the pandemic. On 28 September 2020 the TPP will hold a webinar on “The human rights dimension of COVID-19 and the role and experiences of NHRIs”. Registration is now open!
22. September 2020
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has developed a webpage for children that provides a simple overview of the Committee’s mandate and current activities, as well as information on how children can share their views with the Committee and contribute to its work.The website is available in English, French and Spanish.
21. September 2020
La Defensoría del Pueblo de la provincia de Santa Fe y la Defensoría Provincial de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (DNNA) advierten que en contexto de pandemia y aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio por el Covid 19, se han profundizado las violencias sexuales contra niñas, niños y adolescentes en el ámbito familiar. Es imprescindible darles a las infancias un marco de credibilidad, confianza y protección.    
21. September 2020
The conduct of the police with regard to fining persons for not wearing a mask or failure to wear it properly and their apprehension to police departments become concerning and, from a systemic point of view, result in incorrect developments.
21. September 2020
El tribunal Oral Federal de Posadas resolvió favorablemente un incidente de prisión domiciliaria de una joven trans, por encontrarse en una situación de desprotección frente la intersección de vulnerabilidades que la atravesaban durante su detención.
21. September 2020
Prison administrators and inmates serving as “helpers” at Kaohsiung Prison tortured an inmate to death. They were prosecuted for the serious human rights violation of torturing the deceased inhumanely. The two prison administrators were convicted of torture and death by Taiwan Kaohsiung District Court.
21. September 2020
Dr. Ákos Kozma, Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, presents the report regarding the activities of the office in 2019. It encompasses the full range of efforts made by Commissioner Kozma and his two Deputy Commissioners, namely the Ombudsman for the Rights of National Minorities and the Ombudsman for Future Generations to promote and protect the fundamental rights in Hungary.