11. März 2021
El Yuan de Control (YC) cumple su 90 aniversario en 2021. Desde el 29 de enero hasta el 30 de abril se celebra «Defensa de la justicia, exposición especial con motivo del 90 aniversario del Yuan de Control». Durante la ceremonia de apertura, Chen Chu, presidenta del YC, señaló que esta exposición no solo mira hacia el pasado, sino que también mira hacia el futuro.
10. März 2021
Women in Europe continue to face widespread harassment and violence. Many limit where they go and whom they meet out of worry of being attacked. And when attacked, they often do not report it. These are some of the findings of the Fundamental Rights Agency’s (FRA) recent survey into people’s experiences with different types of crimes. On International Women’s Day, FRA calls for better support for women to ensure they can access their rights.
10. März 2021
The Ombudsman sent a letter to the Secretary of State for Social Security and to the Deputy Secretary of State and for Fiscal Affairs, in which she requested that efforts be made in order to overcome the situation experienced by companies that have been awaiting, for several months now, attribution of extraordinary support for progressive recovery of activity, wherein the justification for the delay lies in the dynamics of articulation between the Institute of Social Security, IP and the Tax and Customs Authority.
10. März 2021
The shocking story of the experience of a person who crossed the border of Lithuania reached the Seimas Ombudsman Augustinas Normantas: “I was detained while trying to obtain asylum and did not get an explanation for what reasons my freedom was restricted”. According to the person, the compulsory isolation procedure was more reminiscent of detention, since he was not provided with information in the language he could understand and his requests to isolate in a chosen place of residence were not taken into account.
10. März 2021
The Catalan Ombudsman is organizing a webinar about the Catalan Public order model. The webinar will be held on 15 March 2021, at 16h00 Central European Time (CET). The webinar will be streamed on Youtube.
9. März 2021
Le conseil municipal a entériné la nomination de Nathalie Blais au titre d’ombudsman de la Ville de Laval lors de l’assemblée de ce soir. Mme Blais entrera en fonction le 8 mars 2021.
9. März 2021
Pour éclairer et alerter sur la situation de l’accès aux droits en France, le Défenseur a publié deux ouvrages aux éditions La documentation française. Cette nouvelle collection intitulée Les enquêtes du Défenseur des droits propose un ouvrage en deux tomes : Inégalités d’accès aux droits et discriminations en France.
9. März 2021
Ombudswoman Lora Vidović has submitted to the Croatian Parliament her annual report for the year 2020 containing an analysis of the issues faced by the citizens in the exercise of their human rights and incidences of discrimination. Its value lies especially in its 142 recommendations, mostly issued to the competent state administration bodies and aimed at achieving stronger human rights protection in virtually all areas of life.