17. September 2020
The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is calling for more to be done to help the adult social care sector capitalise on the valuable learning complaints can bring, in its annual review.
17. September 2020
Pierre Heusser is the newly appointed Ombudsman of the City of Zurich. He was elected by the municipal council (local parliament) in January and succeeded Claudia Kaufmann in mid-August.
17. September 2020
El Defensor del Menor de Andalucía, Jesús Maeztu, ha lamentado hoy que la pandemia sanitaria causada por la COVID 19 ha tenido consecuencias en los derechos y garantías de la infancia y la adolescencia, al tiempo que ha advertido de que estos problemas se agudizarán.
16. September 2020
The Ombudsman for Children’s Office is proud to support “How’s your Head? A guide to staying afloat post COVID-19”, a mental health manual created by young people, for young people.
16. September 2020
Manitoba Ombudsman has initiated an investigation into a privacy breach affecting approximately 9,000 children who are clients of Children’s DisABILITY Services (CDS) in Manitoba Families.
16. September 2020
The Ministry of Education will apologize to students and compensate any students who were financially harmed by the issuance of incorrect provincial exam results in 2019 as a result of a B.C. Ombudsperson investigation.
16. September 2020
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) contacted the Human Rights Defender of Armenia on their own initiative to discuss the procedure for the ongoing judicial appointment process for the Constitutional Court and an agreement was reached to closely monitor the process.
16. September 2020
En el marco de su función de monitoreo la PPN tiene un fuerte compromiso en presentar información confiable. Por ello publica periódicamente informes y reportes estadísticos sobre la situación de los lugares de detención federales. En esta oportunidad se suma a estas publicaciones una serie de informes por establecimiento penitenciario con datos actualizados al primer semestre de 2020.