7. September 2020
A widow approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh for delay in payment of pension and other service dues in respect of her deceased husband who was an employee of Agriculture Department, Government of Sindh and expired during service.
4. September 2020
The Prison and Probation Service should do more to ensure the legal rights of inmates who are to be placed in disciplinary cells. This is the Ombudsman’s assessment following monitoring visits to 11 local prisons, five state prisons and one immigration detention centre under the Prison and Probation Service.
3. September 2020
On 3 September 2020, the Committee received the European Ombudsman (EO), Ms Emily O’Reilly, who presented her 2019 Annual Report. Members had the opportunity to exchange views with the Ombudsman on the progress of her work for the past year.
3. September 2020
Following the recommendations of the Seimas Ombudsman, the rates of catering expenses for the residents of the Foreigners Registration Centre are being increased
2. September 2020
The report presents the challenges and progress in terms of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms in 2019 and discusses the situation in terms of compliance with the recommendations/proposals made by the Public Defender.
31. August 2020
La Defensoría de Niñas, Niños y Adolescente de la Provincia de Santa Fe realizó un Webinar "La niñez y la adolescencia en las noticias en tiempos de pandemia". La actividad, que contó con la participación de más de 100 asistentes, y se centró en poner en agenda el tratamiento periodístico de las infancias y adolescencias en un contexto de emergencia sanitaria como el actual.
31. August 2020
The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, announced a direct investigation into the Government’s current mechanism for monitoring the vaccines provided by private healthcare facilities in Hong Kong, with a view to identifying any room for improvement.
31. August 2020
Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children has been using its powers to remove newborn pēpi (baby) from their parents under a without notice Court order more by routine than exception, says Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier.