10. Juli 2018
Staff of the Iowa Office of Ombudsman are saddened by news of the death of former Governor Robert Ray, who established the ombudsman’s office in 1970 as a way to make government more accountable and responsive to the citizens it serves. 
10. Juli 2018
Dans le cadre du partenariat entre la Médiature et l’ONG plan international, le Médiateur de la République du Niger Son Excellence Me Ali Sirfi MAIGA avec le Gouverneur de Dosso et le Représentant de Plan International Niger à Kardji Bangou a conduit du 25 au 27 juin 2018,  une mission de travail dans la région de Dosso.
9. Juli 2018
Over the past years the IOI has developed several training programmes that cater to the specific needs of member institutions acting as National Preventive Mechanism (NPM). The 4th IOI workshop for NPMs will be generously hosted by the Office of the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman and held in Copenhagen from 7 - 9 November 2018.
9. Juli 2018
After the first meeting of the Council of the Human Rights Ombudsman (Council), Ombudsman Vlasta Nussdorfer presented the Council's tasks, orientations and composition and contribution to the functioning of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (Ombudsman).
9. Juli 2018
Expert team perfoming peer evaluation in Latvia on expert services in healthcare quality and patient safety domain. On 3 July 2018 Ombudsman Juris Jansons met with international experts to discuss the health-care system in Latvia.
9. Juli 2018
El Defensor del Pueblo (e.f.), Francisco Fernández Marugán, se ha dirigido al Ministerio de Defensa para conocer los motivos por los que se está excluyendo a mujeres con tatuajes visibles con el uniforme en procesos selectivos del Ejército y ha pedido al departamento ministerial que se cuestione si puede existir discriminación.
9. Juli 2018
Nottingham City Council has been told to offer a fresh schools admission hearing to a young boy who needed to move school because of “honour” based violence. The boy’s mother had applied for her son to move into Year Five at the new school, because she wanted him to attend a school that no other family members attended.
9. Juli 2018
The Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT), Ali Noroozi, today confirmed he will not be seeking reappointment for a third term. Mr Noroozi has served in the role for 10 years and during this time has undertaken more than 30 reviews across a broad range of issues, including ATO debt collection, tax disputes, audits, transfer pricing, services to tax practitioners, taxpayer rights, IT upgrades and so-called ‘U-turns’.