Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Ombudsman for the Defence Forces (Ireland)
New Ombudsman institution for the German-speaking Community
A new Ombudsman institution was created in September. Mr. Cédric Langer is now the new Ombudsman for the German-speaking Community.
Commissioner For Human Rights Re-Elected
On 5 March 2010, Prof. Elmira Suleymanova has been re-elected for a second term as Human Rights Commissioner of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales
IOI Canada_Occasional Paper 25_Ken Bartton_Work of the Commission for local administration Scotland_1984.pdf
The work of the Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland (1984) Kenneth Bratton Description of the work of the Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland from 1975 to 1983 when Mr Bratton was the Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland.
Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Commonwealth Ombudsman - Righting refunds investigation into the appropriateness of the Department of Home Affairs' policies and procedures for visa Application Charge refunds for parent visas - EN
New I.O.I. newsletter for members
The new I.O.I. newsletter edition has just been sent to all members! Check out the latest news from the ombudsman community as well as a summary of the most important Board decisions that were taken during the Bermuda meeting in October 2010 highlighting the I.O.I. working programme for 2010/2011.
New President for National Human Rights Commission
On 17 November 2009 the Senate of the United States of Mexico has distinguished Dr. Raúl Plascencia Villanueva to chair the Mexican National Human Rights Commission, for a five year term.
New Ombudswoman Appointed
In June 2009 United Kingdom lawyer Nicola Williams was appointed by the Office of the Governor as the new Complaints Commissioner for the Cayman Islands Government.
Issue 6 of the Ombudsman Case Digest
The Office of the Ombudsman of Northern Ireland published its case digest for the month of March 2013. The digest is available for download.
Ombudsman of Kosovo publishes Annual Report for 2015
Ombudsman of Kosovo Mr. Hilmi Jashari publishes Annual Report 2015 of the Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo.
Recommendation to prioritize early childhood development in Francophone communities
In a special report on “Early Childhood: Fostering the Vitality of Francophone Minority Communities”, the Commissioner of Official Languages recommends that the government prioritize early childhood development in Francophone communities.
PHSO strategy 2018-21: Delivering an exemplary ombudsman service
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) published the new three-year strategy. Central to this is the institution's goal to become an exemplary Ombudsman service. In developing this new strategic plan, it has received valuable input both from staff and a wide range of stakeholders.
Annual Report 2019/2020 now available
The IOI is pleased to present a report of its activities, projects and developments in the membership year 2019/2020. With this report, the IOI informs its members about membership matters, finances, the latest projects, which the IOI supported within its regional subsidies programme, training initiatives and much more. The full report is available in all three languages of the IOI and can be accessed on our website.
Update from the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman
As we approach Tax Time 2021, the office of the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) is busily preparing to support and assist taxpayers and tax practitioners during this period. Reflecting on the past 12 months, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt and there are still many individuals and small businesses needing assistance.
Secretary General Werner Amon undertakes an official visit to the President of the IOI
On Sunday 13 March and Monday 14 March, Secretary General of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) and Ombudsman of the Republic of Austria, Mr Werner Amon, undertook an official visit to the President of the IOI and Western Australian Ombudsman, Mr Chris Field.
Chief Ombudsman visits Auckland as extreme weather events engagement tour continues
The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier is visiting Auckland this week as he continues a series of targeted engagements in some of the regions hit hardest by recent extreme weather events.
I.O.I. Board of Directors Meeting
A very successful inaugural meeting of the I.O.I. Board of Directors was held in Vienna, Austria. From November 18 through November 20 the members of the Board met in the premises especially prepared for the I.O.I. by the Austrian Ombudsman Board.
Chancellor of Justice started preparatory work for fulfilling the tasks of Children's Ombudsman
The Estonian Chancellor of Justice has, as of 1 January 2011, formed a new division in his office dealing only with children's rights. This is done in the framework of preparatory activities for becoming Children's Ombudsman.