Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
NSW Ombudsman releases report on response to children presenting alone to homelessness services
The report assesses what NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) has done to improve the response to children who present alone to homelessness services since the Ombudsman’s Office first reported on this issue in 2018. The second report was in 2020; this is the third.
OCI’s Latest Annual Report Issues Groundbreaking Investigations into the Experiences of Maximum-Security and Life-Sentenced Prisoners in Canada
The 2023-24 Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) was tabled in Parliament on October 29, 2024. The Office’s latest Annual Report breaks new ground in two national-level investigations examining conditions of confinement in male stand-alone maximum-security penitentiaries and on the experience of persons serving a life (or indeterminate) sentence in Canada, a sentence that has no end date.
New Board Member Irena Lipowicz
The Polish Ombudswoman Irena Lipowicz is now member of the European Board of the I.O.I. She took over from the Swedish Ombudsman Mats Melin.
Ontario Ombudsman office marks 35th anniversary
Not quite middle-aged but at a point well beyond the self-defining years, the Ontario Ombudsman’s Office turned 35 years young, and marked the occasion with a gathering attended by Ministers, MPPs, and other distinguished guests
IOI Canada_Occasional Paper 27_Audvar Os_Parliamentary OM for public administration in Norway_1984.pdf
The Parliamentary Ombudsman for Public Administrators in Norway - questions of jurisdiction (1984) Audvar Os Mr. Os was the Stortingets Ombudsman for Forvaltningen, Oslo, Norway.
IOI Canada_Occasional Paper 49_Gordon Earl_the OM an effective recourse for citizens_1994.pdf
The ombudsman - an effective recourse for citizens? (1994) Gordon Earle Mr Earle was the Ombudsman for the Province of Manitoba, Canada.
Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights
Ombudsman Western Australia Strategic Plan 2016-2018
Ombudsman Western Australia has published its Strategic Plan for 2016-2018.
IOI Canada_Occasional Paper 16_Kenneth Bratton_Provedor de Justica Portugal in the view of the Commission for local administration Scotland_1982.pdf
The office of the Provedor de Justiça in Portugal from the point of view of the Commission for Local Administration in Scotland (1982) Kenneth Bratton A comparisonof the complaint procedure and jurisdiction of the ombudsman offices and structure of local government in Portugal and Scotland. Mr. Bratton is Secretary and Chief Executive to the Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland.
"Síndic e-Newsletter" June 2013
The Office of the Catalan Ombudsman published the English version of the e-Newsletter for June 2013.
Ombudsman Quarterly Review - Summer 2019
The Office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand published their review for summer 2019. The full review can be accessed here.
Ombudsman publishes Newsletter
The Office of the Ombudsman of Kenya recently published its newsletter for October - December 2022.
New Liaison Officer
In February 2010 Ms. Katarína Ďurišová has been assigned as new Liaison Officer for the Office of the Public Defender of Rights of Slovakia.
Renewal of I.O.I. membership for ombudsman institution
The International Ombudsman Institute welcomes the Ombudsman of Botswana, Mr Ofentse Lepodise, back as a member.
Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman published annual report 2010
Departing Ombudsman Gammeltoft-Hansen submitted the annual report on his activities for the year 2010 to parliament
National Investigations Symposium
The National Investigations Symposium is a biennial event for public sector investigators and complaint-handlers run by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, NSW Ombudsman and the Institute of Public Administration Australia (NSW Division).
Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman published annual report 2011
Ombudsman submitted the annual report on his activities for the year 2011 to Parliament.
New People’s Advocate appointed
On 22 January 2013, Prof. Anastasiu Crisu was appointed as the People´s Advocate of Romania for a five year term by the Romanian Parliament.
Newsletter July 2013
The Office of the Ombudsman of Catalunya published its electronic newsletter for the month of July 2013.