Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
FRA presents Annual Report
The FRA Annual Report 2011 provides in-depth evidence and analysis of fundamental rights developments in the EU, its Member States and Croatia. It points out achievements, such as national reforms in child protection systems and efforts to shorten the length of court proceedings as well as EU legislative and policy measures in, for example, the areas of victim protection, human trafficking and Roma integration.
NPM Newsletter - Issue 28/29
The European NPM Newsletter is a bi-monthly review of information deemed relevant for National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) in the Council of Europe region. It is prepared under the aegis of the National Human Rights Structures (NHRS) Unit of the Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe
NPM - AOB and APT discuss new human rights mandate
On 10 September 2012 the Chairwoman of the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB), Terezija Stoisits, and Ombudsman Peter Kostelka met with the Director of Operations of the Association for the Prevention of Torture, Barbara Bernath.
Successful Training Course
The IOI General Secretariat traditionally organizes ombudsman training courses in Vienna. Following two IOI editions of the “Sharpening Your Teeth” training programme that were attended by 80 participants from all world regions, an IOI Ombudsman Practice Training was held this week in cooperation with the Scottish Queen Margaret University (QMU).
Release of report "Listening and Learning"
A significant rise in the number of complaints where the NHS has failed to provide an adequate remedy or proper apology when things have gone wrong is highlighted in a new report published by the Health Service Ombudsman.
Ombudsman tables Annual Report
Ombudsperson Raymonde Saint-Germain called for greater transparency and equity from public managers given the many gaps between the commitments written into policies, programs and action plans and what citizens really experience. "Due to the lack of sufficient resources to meet public needs, the services truly offered often are less accessible than what is touted in programs. The result is delays, disparities, interrupted services and poor performance," said Raymonde Saint-Germain. The annual report contains numerous examples of the gaps between the slate of services supposed to be provided and what exists in the real world.
Expansion of ombudsman's authorities discussed
Ombudsman of Ontario, Andre Marin called for the Province of Ontario to give his office the authority to oversee institutions in the so-called MUSH sectors. They include municipalities, universities, school boards, hospitals, nursing homes and long-term care facilities, police services and children's aid societies.
International seminar and training workshop to be held in Bangkok
Deadline for registration to the international seminar and training workshop, held in Bangkok from 3 to 6 April 2013, is Thursday, 28 February 2013. The event will be hosted by the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand in cooperation with the IOI and the Asian Ombudsman Association.
Cooperation between Ombudsmen from Eastern partnership countries
The Cooperation between Ombudsmen from Eastern Partnership Countries held a seminar from 25 to 27 September 2012 in Warsaw, Poland. The seminar was hosted by the Office of Polish Human Rights Defender Prof. Irena Lipowicz and co-organized by the Office of the Ombudsman of the French Republic.
Third amendment to the Statute of the Portuguese Ombudsman
On 18 February 2013, Law 17/2013, introducing a third amendment to the Statute of the Portuguese Ombudsman, was published in the Portuguese Official Journal.
FRA report "Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare"
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published a report that identifies the specific barriers and experiences of unequal treatment in accessing healthcare that people may face because of a combination of their traits (e.g. ethnic origin, gender, age and disability).
Public Services Ombudsman introduces Skype™ support
Further to the launch of its redesigned website in September 2011, the Public Services Ombudsman of Gibraltar is now pleased to announce that it is expanding its service facilities by introducing Skype™ support.
Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office appointed
On 25 April 2013, Augustinas Normantas was appointed to the position of the head of the Seimas Ombudsmen‘s Office of the Republic of Lithuania. On the same day, Raimondas Šukys swore an oath in the Parliament and was appointed as Seimas Ombudsman.
report on NHS hospital complaints system published
The Health Service Ombudsman has published a report that analyses the failings of the hospital complaints system in the wake of the Mid Staffordshire hospitals crisis. The Ombudsman's report shows systemic problems with NHS Hospitals' failing to listen and learn from patients.
ACRC publishes Annual Report 2012
The 2012 Annual Report of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Korea contains all the efforts undertaken by the ACRC to fight corruption and protect the rights of the people over the last year.
IOI welcomes the Office of the Ombudsman of Curaçao as new member
The IOI Board of Directors also decided on the membership application of the Office of the Ombudsman of Curaçao, in the Netherlands Antilles.
Commonwealth Ombudsman releases report on own motion investigation
The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman recently released a report on its own motion investigation to examine the incidence and nature of suicide and self-harm in Australia’s immigration detention network.
Ombudsman publishes English summary of annual report 2012
The Ombudsman put forth 548 recommendations and suggestions to the Administration in 2012. A total of 280,592 letters were received: 33,478 complaints, 371 ex officio investigations and 246,743 requests for the filing of appeals against 29 legal standards.
Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2012/2013
Maladministration complaints against government departments/agencies up by 34% with health and social care sector up by 22%. Health and social care, housing and planning remain the key areas of complaint.
QMU research report on ombudsmen schemes in the UK
The Edinburgh-based Queen Margaret University, which has an excellent reputation as a centre for ombudsman and complaint handling practice, published a research report on the future of ombudsmen schemes in the United Kingdom.