Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2012-09-21

    Personnel Change within IOI General Secretariat

    After three years during which she has contributed significantly to the successful development of the IOI, Ms Christine Stockhammer has resigned from her position as Head of the IOI General Secretariat to take up an appointment as a spokesperson for the City of Vienna. She is followed by Ms Ulrike Grieshofer.

  • 2012-10-25

    City stumbles over appointments process

    The City of Toronto’s Ombudsman has found problems with the process used to recruit and select board members for the City’s agencies, boards and commissions. “These agencies have a considerable impact on residents’ lives,” says Fiona Crean, “so Torontonians must be assured board members are selected in a fair and open process.”

  • 2013-05-31

    Ontario Ombudsman nominated as one of Canada’s top lawyers

    Ontario Ombudsman André Marin has been shortlisted as one of the nominees for Canadian Lawyer Magazine’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada. The list recognizes lawyers "who have power and influence the laws, justice system, and legal profession in Canada today."

  • 2013-06-05

    LGO Ombudsman finds lack of support for abandoned child

    Kent County Council failed to provide proper support to a boy when he became homeless after his parents had abandoned him, a report by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) finds.

  • 2013-08-27

    People’s Advocate committed to find solution for homeless Roma families

    For the past three weeks the People’s Advocate Institution of Albania has been dealing with the case of 70 Roma families who have been threatened to be evicted from their homes without due process.

  • 2013-10-04

    Veterans Ombudsman releases New Veterans Charter Action Plan

    Canada's Veterans Ombudsman, released his report on the New Veterans Charter accompanied by an Actuarial Analysis. The report puts forward evidenced-based recommendations that address shortcomings in three New Veterans Charter program areas: financial, vocational rehabilitation and assistance, and family support. This is the first time that recommendations for improvements have been supported by an actuarial analysis that pinpoint exactly where the current suite of New Veterans Charter benefits are failing some Veterans today.

  • 2013-11-22

    Renewed efforts needed to safeguard child rights

    Many children across the EU continue to suffer from poverty, discrimination or violence, despite EU and national efforts. As EU bodies prepare for a new Commission and Parliamentary elections, FRA reminds future EU policy makers of the need for child rights to remain on their political agendas.

  • 2014-04-18

    Conference on Model Institutions for a Sustainable Future

    The Hungarian Ombudsman’s Office is planning a conference to understand the unique characteristics of the relevant national institutions entrusted with promoting intergenerational solidarity. The conference will focus on the legal aspects of the protection and promotion of the interests of future generations.

  • 2014-07-02

    Information Commissioner welcomes removal of FOI fee

    Information Commissioner, Peter Tyndall, has welcomed the Government’s proposal to abolish the €15 application fee for making FOI requests.  Both he and the former Commissioner, Emily O’Reilly, have previously publicly expressed their view that the application fee acted as a disincentive to members of the public seeking access to information held by public bodies.  

  • 2015-07-13

    Ombudsman Punjab constitutes Jails Inspection Committees

    Ombudsman Punjab Javed Mahmood, in the light of the orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan, has constituted Ombudsman Jail Inspection Committees for all districts and tehsils of the province. Ombudsman Jail Inspection Committees at district and tehsil level have made first inspection visit of district/tehsil sub-jails and started preparing report on the state of affairs of the jails for onward submission to Supreme Court.

  • 2015-08-10

    Prof. Lipowicz leaves office as Human Rights Defender

    On 7 August 2015 the Senate approved the appointment of Dr. Adam Bodnar as seventh Polish Human Rights Defender. Mr Bodnar, who will take office after having taken the oath before the Sejm (Parliament), will succeed Prof. Irena Lipowicz. On behalf of the international Ombudsman community, the IOI would like to thank Prof. Lipowicz for the valuable and significant contributions she made as a member of the IOI Board of Directors.

  • 2016-05-06

    Annual SEE NPM Network meeting held in Salzburg

    Between 21 and 22 April 2016, experts from Ombudsman Institutions of South Eastern Europe gathered in Salzburg.

  • 2016-08-04

    Own initiative investigation on the right to access to the country side

    The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr Anthony C. Mifsud together with the Commissioner for Environment and Planning, Perit David Pace have presented a report entitled ‘Access to the countryside – the right to ramble’ to the President of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Angelo Farrugia.

  • 2016-09-02

    World Conference - Financial Support for Participants

    We are all looking forward to the 11th World Conference which will soon take place in Bangkok/Thailand. Since we know that some IOI members with limited budgets find it difficult to attend this important event, we have decided to offer financial support to those who need it most. There are two funding options:

  • 2016-11-09

    Augustinas Normantas reappointed for third term as the Seimas Ombudsman

    On 8 November 2016, the Seimas (Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania) appointed Mr. Augustinas Normantas to the post of the Seimas Ombudsman for the third term. Mr. Normantas also acts as the Head of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office.

  • 2016-12-02

    Lack of identification of law enforcement officers results in impunity

    The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights declared this thesis during a round table "Personal identification of police officers and national guards as protection against arbitrary behavior: problems and solutions" which was held on 15 November 2016, at the Ombudsman's Office.  

  • 2017-03-15

    Official Information Act Workshop for Heads of Ministries

    Head of ministries and government chief executives had their turn to learn more about the Cook Islands’ Official Information Act. More than 20 gathered at Crown Beach Resort to discuss and provide feedback on how the act has affected them since it was passed by parliament five years ago.

  • 2017-04-11

    New Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman takes office

    Rob Behrens began his new role as Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and Chair of the organisation on Thursday 06 April 2017.

  • 2017-11-22

    Veterans Ombudsman tables Annual Report 2016-2017

    The Veterans Ombudsman’s 2016-2017 Annual Report was tabled in the House of Commons by the Minister of Veterans Affairs. The Report covers all activities of the Veterans Ombudsman from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017 demonstrating the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman’s influence in effecting change and informing policy for Veterans and their families.

  • 2018-04-30

    40th Anniversary celebrations start with side event at UN headquarters in New York

    On 30 April 2018 the IOI organized a side event at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York to mark the 40th anniversary of its establishment in 1978. The event provided a platform for exchange between the United Nations and the Ombudsman community, as well as the perfect setting for the launch of the IOI’s most recent publication on “A Mission to Justice – The International Ombudsman Institute 1978-2018”. 

Showing 1601 to 1620 of 5101 entries