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Report on Townsville’s Cleveland Youth Detention Centre released
The Cleveland Youth Detention Centre inspection report: Focus on separation due to staff shortages, prepared by the Inspector of Detention Services, was tabled by the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Queensland Parliament on Tuesday 27 August 2024. The report by Queensland Ombudsman, Mr Anthony Reilly makes 15 recommendations for improvement at the Cleveland Youth Detention Centre on issues including staffing levels, approval processes for separations and the provision of basic facilities in separation rooms and holding cells.
Mobile Educational Point Dedicated to Children’s Rights Inaugurated by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary
Dr. Ákos Kozma, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, inaugurated a mobile educational point on 20 November, 2024, at ÁGOTA Village to celebrate World Children's Day. The initiative marks the anniversary of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, a cornerstone of international legal protection.
Bangkok 2016 - Conference Papers
The 11thIOI World Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2016. Under the general motto of "Evolution of Ombudsmanship", delegates and observers from all over the world discussed a great variety of Ombudsman-related matters. Key note addresses as well as copies of the conference papers and slides can be found here.
Message of IOI Regional President Ribó for the World Ombudsman´s Day 2019
Yesterday, 10 October 2019, was the World Ombudsman´s Day. On this occasion, IOI Regional President of Europe, Rafael Ribó, shared some thoughts and highlighted an initiative by the Council of Europe.
Rights of Minority communities
Minority communities in Hungary have had great expectations about the new Parliament elected in April 2010. They were hoping that the two-third majority of the governing political forces would pass the legislation vital for their interests that had not been adopted for years due to the lack of political consent.
I.O.I. President opens 26th APOR conference
On 23 March 2011 I.O.I. President and New Zealand Chief Ombudsman Beverley Wakem opened the 26th Australasian and Pacific Ombudsman Conference of the I.O.I. in Taipei that was hosted by the Control Yuan of Taiwan. The opening remarks are now online.
Regional subventions are a huge success
At the Bermuda Board Meeting in October 2011 the I.O.I. Board decided that the I.O.I. would provide funds up to a maximum of EUR 50,000 for regional projects. Member institutions were invited to submit project proposals with a focus on training activities. Six applicants from five of the six I.O.I. World Regions were successful in the selection process conducted by the I.O.I. Executive Committee in spring 2011.
Special Report on Young People and Adults with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder
The Québec Ombudsman recently released a special report entitled Services Provided to Young People and Adults with a Pervasive Developmental Disorder: From Government Commitment to Cold Hard Facts. The report, submitted to the National Assembly, follows a first report released in October 2009 on services for children aged 0 to 7 years with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs).
IOI welcomes the Ombudsman of Tuscany as new member
During its recent meeting the IOI Board of Directors took decisions on several applications for individual, associate and institutional membership. Welcoming the new members to the IOI family the General Secretariat presents the main facts and figures of each new member continuing with the Ombudsman of Tuscany.
Health Ombudsman urges action to prevent ‘avoidable’ deaths of people with a learning disability
Too many people with a learning disability are not getting access to the right care and treatment at the right time, leading to avoidable deaths in some cases, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) warns.
The Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its annual report
The Council of Europe’s European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its annual report, calling for timely action against extremist organisations that promote racism to avoid an escalation of violence and related criminal activities.
Veterans Need Clear Information and Transparent Communications
Last week the media following Veterans’ issues focused attention on a chart released by Veterans Affairs Canada via social media on July 31. The chart shows the maximum benefits by rank of supports available to seriously injured Veterans.
FRA publishes paper on forced marriages
Concerted legal and practical efforts are needed from the EU and its Member States to help combat forced marriage, finds a new paper by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). While it is difficult to calculate how many people are victims, this paper outlines different actions to address this particular form of gender-based violence.
FRA publishes report on Roma survey results
Three new reports just published by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) focus on different thematic areas of its Roma survey.
Network of Information Commissioners publishes international exchange survey 2014
The latest International Survey of Information Commissioners, conducted by the Centre for Freedom of Information, has been published including responses provided by 53 Commissioners/Ombudsman in 33 countries.
Ombudsman and the autonomous regional ombudsmen present a joint study on hospital accident and emergency services
The Ombudsman and the autonomous-regional ombudsmen presented the joint study “Hospital Accident and Emergency services in the National Health System: patients’ rights and guarantees”, which examines the realities of A&E services and the impact on people’s fundamental rights of how they work.
Ombudsman made 537 recommendations and suggestions in the first half of 2015
The Institution presented before the Mixed Committee for Relations with the Office of the Ombudsman (Defensor del Pueblo) a report on operations in the first five months of the year; the National Prevent Mechanism (NMP) annual report and two case studies.
Residential facilities providing care without authorisation
The office of the Ombudsman published its 2015 report on systematic visits carried out by the public defender of rights. This report list the risks (ill-treatment of clients) posed by facilities providing care without authorisation (the “unregistered residential social services facilities”) and explain why good co-operation among all governmental authorities is necessary to penalise these facilities.
"People first" - Visegrád Group's Ombudsmen
The Four Visegrád Ombudsmen, including the Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary, the Public Defender of Rights of the Slovak Republic and the Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Poland, held a meeting in Visegrád, Hungary, from 30 September to 02 October, 2015. During this event, the Ombudsmen accepted a joint statement in relation to the current refugee and migration crisis affected this European region.
Adult social care complaints to the Ombudsman on the increase
The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) is publishing its complaints statistics for adult social care – including data for both councils and private care providers – in its Annual Review of Adult Social Care Complaints 2014/15. The report is being published as part of the LGO’s role as the social care ombudsman, to encourage transparency and accountability across the whole adult social care complaints system.