8. September 2015
La Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, ha pedido a los Ombudsman de Europa y del Mediterráneo reclamar de manera conjunta a la Comisión Europea una “acción de asistencia humanitaria urgente” de la UE en favor de los refugiados.



8. September 2015
Le Défenseur des droits a été entendu mercredi 2 septembre dans la perspective de l’examen du projet de loi relatif au droit des étrangers par François-Noël Buffet, rapporteur et les membres de la commission des lois du Sénat.


8. September 2015
"In recent days we have seen several Member States, many ordinary citizens, and civil society groups demonstrating remarkable and humbling leadership as they welcome refugees to their communities. EU institutions and all Member States must now take their cues from those citizens and act to alleviate the immediate suffering. The EU must use its immense diplomatic, economic and moral capacity to find ways to tackle the wider issues of Middle Eastern security."
7. September 2015
El Síndic de Greuges de Cataluña ha publicado su boletín mensual de septiembre 2015. La versión española está disponible aquí.
7. September 2015
The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Colin Neave, released a follow-up report into service delivery complaints about the Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Centrelink program. It follows his report in April last year, which was sparked by complaints from people dissatisfied with the Centrelink program’s service delivery arrangements.
4. September 2015
A study by the National Ombudsman regarding repatriation processes concludes that some aspects of this procedure can be improved. The Ombudsman has made recommendations to the State Secretary of Security and Justice with regard to the availability of medical care, the accessibility of the complaints procedure, and the exchange of information. In his report, he also advocates multidisciplinary supervision of the entire repatriation process as well as standard investigation of incidents.
4. September 2015
Migrants in an irregular situation in the European Union (EU), namely those who do not fulfil conditions for entry, stay or residence, often suffer from specific health risks, such as those resulting from exploitative working conditions or precarious housing. As EU-Member-States, faced with an ageing population and the repercussions of a global economic crisis, struggle to contain public health expenditure, the right to health for all - regardless of legal status - must remain a key concern.
4. September 2015
On September the 10th, 2015, a webinar on “Open Governance and Privacy in a Post-Snowden World” sponsored by the OGP Support Unit, the Open Government Guide, and the World Bank will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Carly Nyst, Independent consultant and former Legal Director of Privacy International and Javier Ruiz, Policy Director of Open Rights Group will present and discuss the chapter “Privacy and Data Protection” which they contributed to the Open Government Guide.