31. Juli 2015
Ontario Ombudsman André Marin today released his tenth annual report, marking the end of an historic year – and decade – that saw the largest investigation in the history of the office, the enactment of legislation extending the Ombudsman’s mandate to municipalities, school boards and universities, and an 86% increase in complaints received since 2009-2010.
29. Juli 2015
Handing over procedure of responsibilities between former Ombudsman Mr Sami Kurteshi and newly elected Ombudsman, Mr Hilmi Jashari, took place on 6 July 2015. After the formal ceremony organized on this occasion within the Ombudsman Institution’s Headquarter, Mr Jashari and Mr Kurteshi addressed to the media with their statements.
28. Juli 2015
El Síndic de Greuges de Cataluña ha abierto una investigación de oficio para aclarar los motivos de las colas nocturnas frente a las comisarías de policía de Tarragona y Tortosa y para recomendar medidas para evitar las lamentables condiciones con que se encuentran los ciudadanos extranjeros que deben llevar a cabo alguna gestión en estas comisarías, como por ejemplo la expedición del NIE.
28. Juli 2015
Conformément aux dispositions de l’article 17 de la loi No 97-022 AN –RM du 14 Mars 1997, modifiée, le Médiateur de la République du Mali a présenté respectivement son rapport 2014 au Président de République et au Président de l’Assemblée Nationale.
28. Juli 2015
El estudio preparado por Fernando Basch para EUROsociAL y la Controladoria-Geral da União de Brasil, describe y analiza comparativamente políticas, buenas prácticas institucionales y debilidades de Defensorías del Pueblo y entidades garantes del derecho de acceso a la información en Latinoamérica y Europa.
27. Juli 2015
The Institution presented before the Mixed Committee for Relations with the Office of the Ombudsman (Defensor del Pueblo) a report on operations in the first five months of the year; the National Prevent Mechanism (NMP) annual report and two case studies.
27. Juli 2015
The Pacific Ombudsman Alliance issued its latest Newsletter in July 2015.
23. Juli 2015
The current term of office of New South Wales Ombudsman Bruce Barbour ended on 30 June 2015. After 15 years in office, Mr Barbour will be succeeded by Prof. John McMillan, who will commence a two year term as Acting Ombudsman on 1 August 2015.