27. August 2015
This month the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman is laying three investigation reports about the health sector before the Scottish Parliament, and 97 decisions about all of the sectors under his remit.
27. August 2015
Deputy Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Mick Martin said: ‘Complaints are an incredibly important source of learning for the NHS and a way through which it can improve its services for patients.
24. August 2015
On 18 August Judge Boshier was appointed as Chief Ombudsman of New Zealand. He will succeed Dame Beverley Wakem and take up that role and terminate his position as Law Commissioner on 10 December this year.
24. August 2015
The July bulletin reflects important activities of the Public Defender and his office. You will learn about the Public Defender’s annual report presented to the Parliament, where Ucha Nanuashvili talked about the situation of human rights in the country and answered the MP’s questions. As per the Parliament’s decree, the Human Rights Committee will monitor implementation of the recommendations included in the Public Defender’s report.
20. August 2015
Le Médiateur du Faso a procédé à l’installation officielle des nouveaux Délégués régionaux dans les différents chefs lieu de Régions depuis le début du mois de juillet 2015, excepté celui du Centre, qui le sera très prochainement. C’est en présence des Gouverneurs et de l’ensemble des corps constitués de chaque Région que les différentes cérémonies se sont déroulées.
20. August 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo muestra su preocupación ante el aumento de cifras de muertes de menores en contextos familiares de violencia de género y reitera el compromiso de la supervisión de las actuaciones de todas las administraciones públicas con competencias en la materia, a fin de perfeccionar los instrumentos de detección del riesgo de la mujer y de sus hijos, para reducir las posibilidades de agresión.
20. August 2015
The IOI Board of Directors welcomes Hong Kong Ombudsman Connie Lau and Mr Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh (Pakistan) who have been elected by its regional representatives in August 2015.
18. August 2015
Provincial Ombudsman Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik presented Annual Report 2014 to the Honourable Governor Sindh. The report highlights the performance, achievements & future programme of the institution.