18. August 2015
Mal-administration in payment of pension is a perennial problem affecting millions in this country. Employees in old age have to run from pillar to post. In recent years the Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan has provided relief to thousands who approached the office.
17. August 2015
The report is on four cases that the Commissioner for Health investigated and about which he is at an impasse with Department of Health for the last two years. One case concerns a Type 2 diabetic patient who had been prescribed Glargine Insulin by his Consultant Diabetologist. The Department’s policy is to give this type of insulin only to Type 1 patients, and, therefore, the patient was denied the treatment needed. There must be, of course, other patients with the same predicament.
17. August 2015
Issue 21 of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ Casebook (April-June 2015) has been published. The Casebook is a collection of summaries of cases dealt with in the previous quarter.
14. August 2015
Con la participación del Defensor del Pueblo de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Alejandro Amor, el martes 4 de agosto se realizó en el Salón Rojo de la Facultad de Derecho de la UBA la jornada de presentación del curso de Actualización en Políticas Públicas y Protección de Derechos, concebido para seguir capacitando y formando en materia de Derechos Humanos a todos los cuadros públicos que trabajan cotidianamente en las Defensorías del Pueblo y en otros organismos estatales afines.
12. August 2015
El 4 de agosto, la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Nación – a través de la Oficina de Pueblos Indígenas - llevó a cabo una nueva reunión de la Mesa de Trabajo que celebran periódicamente con integrantes de organizaciones indígenas.


12. August 2015
L’Institution du Médiateur de la République de Côte d’Ivoire a pris part à un atelier sur la mise en place des mécanismes nationaux de prévention de la torture, organisé par l’Institution internationale des Ombudsmans (IOI) les 17, 18 et 19 juin 205 à Riga en Lettonie.
10. August 2015
On 7 August 2015 the Senate approved the appointment of Dr. Adam Bodnar as seventh Polish Human Rights Defender. Mr Bodnar, who will take office after having taken the oath before the Sejm (Parliament), will succeed Prof. Irena Lipowicz. On behalf of the international Ombudsman community, the IOI would like to thank Prof. Lipowicz for the valuable and significant contributions she made as a member of the IOI Board of Directors.
10. August 2015
This quarter's Casebook contains summaries of recent cases the Ombudsman has dealt with. The Ombudsman hopes that by sharing the outcomes of cases, we will all learn from the mistakes and good practice of others.