10. August 2015
The Public Defender has presented June information bulletin about the efforts of the Public Defender's Office. The key topic in the information bulletin is the visit and important meetings of the Public Defender and his delegation to Brussels. The ongoing events of Georgia, situation in human rights, threats in conflict regions and many sensitive and painful issues of our population were discussed at the meetings held in NATO, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Open Society European Policy Institute of Brussels.
10. August 2015
An investigation by the Ombudsman for Children found significant gaps in the approach to registering, inspecting and monitoring of children’s residential centres which are run by private and voluntary agencies. He has recommended that the inspection of these centres should transfer to HIQA without delay.
7. August 2015
La defensora de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de Santa Fe, Analía Colombo, se reunió este miércoles con representantes de UNICEF Argentina, el gobernador de la provincia Antonio Bonfatti y el reciente gobernador electo de Santa Fe, Miguel Lifschitz para evaluar el trabajo llevado adelante por el Observatorio de los Derechos de la Niñez y la Adolescencia a partir de la cooperación de UNICEF con la provincia y en particular con la Defensoría.


6. August 2015
It is with great sorrow that the International Ombudsman Institute has learned that Roy Gregory, Emeritus Professor of Politics, died in London on 14 July 2015. In his scholarly work Prof. Gregory made a significant contribution to promoting and developing the concept of Ombudship. The IOI is therefore pleased to share with you a tribute written by his longtime colleague at the University of Reading, Dr. Philip Giddings.
6. August 2015
The Public Service Ombudsman in Gibraltar has been appointed by HM Government of Gibraltar to be the Competent Authority for Gibraltar for the purposes of the Consumer (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2015.


6. August 2015
Councils must properly consider individual circumstances when they balance people’s choice to be cared for by a family member against the risk to their carer of working long hours, the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) has recommended


6. August 2015
El Defensor del Pueblo en funciones, Eduardo Vega Luna, señaló que la pensión para las personas con discapacidad severa constituye un importante avance en beneficio de este sector vulnerable de la población que debe enfrentar diversos obstáculos para el ejercicio de sus derechos en diversos momentos de su vida.
3. August 2015
The Complaints Commission of the Virgin Islands published the 2014 annual report, the 6th annual report since the commission’s appointment in 2009.