Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Adam Bodnar at the NHH Symposium in Bergen
Adam Bodnar, Commissioner for Human Rights, took part in the NHH Symposium. He spoke about the rule of law, independence of the judiciary, judicial cooperation and the principle of mutual recognition of judgments in the European Economic Area.
Ombudsman reports on implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
In 2017, the Greek State enacted a mechanism for the external, independent monitoring of the implementation of the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and assigned this responsibility, which it proclaimed a “promotional framework”, to the constitutionally-established Independent Authority of the Greek Ombudsman.
Ombudsman meets delegation from Japan
The Azerbaijani Ombudsman received the delegation led by Mr. Hideo Ohnishi, the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan. The delegation was accompanied by Mr.Akiro Sanno, an attaché of the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan.
Ombudsman took part in the 11th International Conference of the Ombudsman for the Armed Forces
The representatives of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman participated at the 11th International Conference of the Ombudsman Institutions on Armed Forces held on 28-29 October 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Retired Judge Mwaimu appointed new Chair of CHRAGG
The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) Tanzania is delighted to share the appointment of Chairman/Ombudsman Judge (Rtd) Mathew Pauwa Mhina Mwaimu, who took office with effect from 04 November 2019.
Training for medical personnel of mental healthcare area
The Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan organized a 6-day training for medical personnel of mental healthcare area and at the end of the training handed out special certificates.
Publication of the Ombuds Agenda 2020
The National Ombudsman has published his Ombuds Agenda 2020, which covers the National Ombudsman, the Veterans Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children. Some of the main issues this year include poverty and debt among vulnerable young people in the Dutch Caribbean, veterans in detention and the involvement of (chronically) sick children and young people in their medical treatment.
APT study on follow-up to NPM recommendations now available
How can National Preventive Mechanisms efficiently follow-up on their recommendations for change? A study on follow-up to NPM recommendations was conducted in the framework of tailored support to the Armenian NPM under an EU-funded project.
IOI expresses support for colleagues in four Latin-American countries
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its great concern regarding the negative statements and damaging remarks Ombudsman colleagues in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru currently face.
New Ombudsman elected
On 28 September 2020, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo elected Mr. Naim Qelaj as the new Ombudsperson of Kosovo for a five-year and non-renewable mandate. Mr Qelaj follows Hilmi Jashari, whose term as Ombudsman ended.
International webinar on Covid-19 and the Ombudsman – registration link now available
Would you like to hear how other Ombudspersons are coping with the coronavirus crisis? The State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel and the IOI invite you to participate in an international webinar on the theme: “Covid-19 and the Ombudsperson - Rising to the Challenge of a Pandemic” on 24 November 2020. Register for the webinar is now open; read more for the registration link.
Parliamentary Ombudsman receives record number of complaints in 2020
In 2020, the Parliamentary Ombudsman received a record 7,059 complaints. This is around 800 complaints more than in 2019 (6,267), which was also a record year for complaints.
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights conducts on-site inspection at Kalocsa children’s home
Based on the information that appeared in the press, as well as warnings from some of the MPs, with regard to the gravity of the concerns, Ombudsman Dr Ákos Kozma launched an ex officio inquiry into the operation of the Kalocsa Children’s Home, Primary School and Vocational School of the Special Children’s Home Centre, Primary School and Vocational School of the Ministry of Human Capacities, in order to clarify the circumstances.
Re-watch webinar on “UN Resolution for Ombudsman and Mediator institutions”
We are pleased to inform you, that the recorded AORC/IOI Webinar on the “UN Resolution on Ombudsman and Mediator institutions” and the speaker presentations are now available online. Re-watch the event here.
The Greek Ombudsman submitted its 2020 Annual Report to the Speaker of the Greek Parliament
The Ombudsman, Mr. Andreas Pottakis, submitted the Annual Report of theGreek Ombudsman for 2020 to the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. KonstantinosTassoulas, on 31 March 2021.
Annual Report of the Parliamentary Ombudsman published
The Parliamentary Ombudsman Hanna Harlem submitted the annual reports for 2020 to the Second Vice President of the Storting, Morten Wold.
Access to health files and monitoring of prisons during the Covid-19 pandemic
The Parliamentary Ombudsman of Denmark issued press releases on the access to files from the health authorities and the monitoring of Prison and Probation Service institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic.
PACE side event on Monday, 21 June 2021: Should politicians be prosecuted for statements made in the exercise of their mandate?
The Catalan Ombudsman is organizing an online side event to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to discuss freedom of expression in accordance with the European Convention of Human Rights.
Ombudsman Newsletter January – June 2021
The Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) of Kenya has published the first issue of the Ombudsman Newsletter for 2021. The Newsletter covers the period from January to June 2021.
Victorian Ombudsman Releases New Good Complaint Handling Guide
The Victorian Ombudsman has today released its Councils and Complaints – A Good Practice Guide 2nd Edition, incorporating the new legislative provisions of the Local Government Act, using good practice complaint handling and reminding councils to look through a human rights lens when dealing with complaints.