Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2014-01-07

    Survey result on foreign language services provided by ombudsman offices

    The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) of Korea conducted a survey on the foreign language services provided by Ombudsman offices around the world from November 5 to November 22 2013, with the support of the IOI Secretariat.

  • 2011-05-17

    International Congress "The protection of human rights by the Ombudsman"

    The congress will be hosted by the University of Alcalá between 1 and 3 June 2011 in the framework of the Regional Programme of Support for the Ombudsmen of the People in Ibero-America. The latter is funded by the Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation (AECID) in the framework of the Ibero- American Ombudsman Federation (FIO). Its' principal objective consists in promoting the institution of the Ombudsman in Ibero- America.

  • 2011-06-10

    2010 Annual Report now available

    According to his annual report, Alex Brenninkmeijer, the National Ombudsman of the Netherlands, received almost 14,000 complaints and 31,000 telephone calls last year.

  • 2011-08-31

    I.O.I. EUROPE announces workshop on Private Management of Public Services

    I.O.I. Europe organises a topical workshop on “The defense of rights and good practices in private management of public services - The Role of the Ombudsman” on 21 and 22 November 2011 in Barcelona.

  • 2011-10-14

    New President of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal

    Following the partial renewal of the Members of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal, Mr Sean Van Raepenbusch, who has been a judge at the Tribunal since 6 October 2005, was elected President of the European Union Civil Service Tribunal for the period from 7 October 2011 to 30 September 2014.

  • 2012-09-07

    Ombudsman presents Activities Report

    The 2011 overview of the Chancellor of Justice Activities outlines the work of the office as Preventive Mechanism as well as the work as Ombudsman for children. The report also contains last years statistics of proceedings.

  • 2013-03-13

    Hungarian Ombudsman visits Control Yuan

    Hungarian Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Professor Máté Szabó, delivered a speech on the Hungarian ombudsman system at the Control Yuan plenary meeting. To learn more about Control Yuan, Dr. Szabó furthermore exchanged ideas with members of Control Yuan.

  • 2013-06-17

    Control Yuan holds workshop on protecting women’s rights

    The Control Yuan (CY) held the 2013 workshop on protecting women’s rights on 7 June 2013. The workshop was attended by 320 participants from women’s groups, government organizations, and academia. Representatives of the relevant Executive Yuan ministries were also on hand to answer questions posed by the participants.

  • 2013-08-07

    Catalan Ombudsman calls for action to guarantee right of children to adequate food

    Catalan Ombudsman Rafael Ribó submitted a report on “Child malnutrition in Catalonia”, in which he alleges that - according to the ICS diagnostic codes of June 2013 - 50,000 children have food deprivation and 750 suffer from malnutrition and poverty and calls for urgent Government action to guarantee the right of children to adequate food.

  • 2013-08-30

    Ombudsman on financing needs of inmates in psychiatric institutions

    With little money to spend, inmates in residential institutions are compelled to be “creative” – found Ombudsman Máté Szabó in his recent report. The sum of the spending money which inmates receive remained the same, although prices of the most preferred consumer goods, had increased many times. As a consequence, inmates are compelled to barter among themselves.

  • 2013-09-05

    Ombudsman proposes amendment of regulation on nationality self-government election

    There is a risk of electoral abuse at the nationality self-government election – the Ombudsman proposes the amendment of the relevant regulation. Taking into account the census data in certain localities means that the nationality communities may not be able to form a local government – concluded Ombudsman Máté Szabó.

  • 2013-10-23

    Child death review team annual report 2012

    The NSW Child Death Review Team’s Annual Report for 2012 was tabled in Parliament today by the Team’s Convenor, the NSW Ombudsman. The report examines the deaths of 493 children registered in NSW in 2012. ‘The rate of child deaths is the lowest since the Team began in 1996,’ said the Ombudsman, Bruce Barbour.

  • 2013-10-29

    Ombudsman calls for measures against racist violence

    The Greek Ombudsman calls for immediate and drastic measures against racist violence. The pronounced surge in racist violence, the impunity the perpetrators enjoy, and the overall negligence of the state authorities in charge of such matters undermine social cohesion and the foundations of the rule of law.

  • 2014-01-08

    CHRAGG commemorates 6th Human Rights Day and ethnic anniversary

    On 10 December 2013, Tanzania commemorated the sixth Human Rights day and Ethics anniversary through which The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) took a leading role.

  • 2014-02-07

    Catalan Ombudsman asks the year 2014 to be a turning point in social policies

    The Catalan Ombudsman, Rafael Ribó, who has handed in the Annual Report 2013, has underlined the need to protect social policies, the defence of which has led to several actions carried out by the institution.

  • 2013-12-19

    Conference on Immigration Detention

    The Council of Europe organised a conference on the detention of immigrants in Europe in co-operation with the United Kingdom’s national preventive mechanism against torture. The conference was held on 21-22 November 2013 in order to establish common concerns and to develop minimum standards on the basis of a comprehensive exchange of experience and best practice.

  • 2014-03-05

    EU-wide survey on violence against women

    Violence against women undermines women’s core fundamental rights such as dignity, access to justice and gender equality. For example, one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15; one in five women has experienced stalking; every second woman has been confronted with one or more forms of sexual harassment.

  • 2014-02-21

    Veterans Independence Program Review

    On 18 February 2014 the Office of the Veterans Ombudsman released its Review of the Support Provided by Veterans Affairs Canada through its Veterans Independence Program.

  • 2014-02-26

    Complaints resolved and received by the Ombudsman set new records

    Not one complaint had been pending for longer than a year at the office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman of Finland at the end of 2013. The number of incoming complaints during the year was again a record, over 5,000.

  • 2014-03-20

    Austerity measures must not affect the fundamental rights of citizens

    In her speech at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions of the United Nations, the Defensora del Pueblo, Soledad Becerril, stressed that austerity measures must not affect the fundamental rights of citizens.

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