Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2024-08-01

    The New Zealand office of the Ombudsman provided online training to the Thailand office

    On June 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time. the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand, in collaboration with the Office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand, organized an online training activity on the topic of “Complaints, including the intake and management of difficult complainants,” for the investigation and legal affairs officers.

  • 2024-08-01

    The State Comptroller and Ombudsman presents Annual Report 50 to the Speaker of the Knesset

    On 25 June 2024, "National Ombudsday", the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel Mr. Matanyahu Englman presented to the Speaker of the Knesset (Israeli parliament) Ombudsman Annual Report 50 for the year 2023.

  • 2024-09-05

    Deputy Ombudsman stresses importance of digital rights at recent training session

    The second stage of the training program on “Communication in the Age of Social Media and Tech Platforms,” organized by the Association of Information and Progressive Technology of Timor-Leste (ITP-TL), concluded successfully from 27-29 August 2024. The training took place at the Oriente Foundation in Dili and featured the participation of two officials from the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ).

  • 2024-10-04

    Ombudsman Commission intervention results in neighbourhood relief from water woes

    In October 2022, the Ombudsman Commission received a complaint in relation to continuous waters disruptions from a long-time resident in one of the suburbs in the National Capital District (city). The resident raised concern that her neighbourhood had been experiencing continuous water disruption for almost twenty years.

  • 2024-10-24

    Ombudsman presented his recommendations and findings to ECRI representatives in their areas of competence

    On 21 October 2024, the Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina and Dr. Simona Drenik Bavdek, assistant head of the Center for Human Rights, met with representatives of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), who were visiting Slovenia that week to prepare the sixth report on the state of human rights in the country.

  • 2024-12-19

    The Ombudsman has investigated transport of inmates in the Prison and Probation Service

    The Ombudsman’s monitoring visits to institutions for adults in 2023 focused particularly on the Prison and Probation Service’s transport of inmates to court appearances, outpatient treatment and in connection with transfer of inmates from one Prison and Probation Service institution to another.

  • 2011-01-12

    FCO representatives visit General Secretariat

    On 11 January 2011 Ms Suzanne Belson, one of the founding members of the Canadian Forum of Ombudsman (FCO), and Mr Steve Olive, Administrator of the FCO visited the I.O.I. General Secretariat.

  • 2011-10-09

    I.O.I. training survey

    The I.O.I. Board decided in 2009 to focus on training activities which will help both to maintain and raise the level of professionalism in Ombudsman offices around the world. In order to identify the specific training the I.O.I. General Secretariat  has sent all member institutions a questionnaire that should help identifying their individual training needs. Based on recommendations by the Training Committee the Board will discuss and decide on future regional training activities.

  • 2014-05-28

    Banking Mohtasib (Ombudsman) published Annual Report

    The Banking Mohtasib (Ombudsman) Pakistan published the ninth Annual Report for the year ending 31 December, 2013.The report includes analysis of systemic deficiencies and control weaknesses in banks which the Banking Mohtasib came across during the course of investigations of complaints in the year under review.

  • 2014-10-24

    Health Service Ombudsman publishes report on an investigation into West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

    A 41-year-old mother with terminal breast cancer was let down by her hospital who failed to detect and treat her cancer an investigation by The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has found.

  • 2014-11-07

    Arlene Brock to present next PHRGE Regional Faculty Colloquium at NUSL

    Ms. Arlene Brock, former Ombudsman of Bermuda, Honorary Life Member of the IOI and current Fulbright Scholar at the Northeastern University School of Law (NUSL) will present the next Program on Human Rights in the Global Economy (PHRGE) Regional Faculty Colloquium on Thursday, 13 November 2014 at NUSL, Boston, Massachusetts.

  • 2015-02-06

    Man with mental health issues dies after failings by two NHS trusts

    A vulnerable patient with suicidal thoughts was found dead in a river after being let down by two trusts in East Anglia, an investigation by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman found.

  • 2015-09-08

    The Constitutional Court repealed the provisions of the Mental Health Act at the Ombudsman’s request

    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia repealed a part of the Mental Health Act at its session on 10 June 2015. The third sentence of the second paragraph of Article 74 is repealed, namely the provision defining that on behalf of a person who has been deprived of their capacity to conclude contracts, consent for admission to a secure ward is given by a legal representative. It also repealed the third sentence of the third paragraph of Article 74 of this Act, i.e. the provision regulating that only the legal representative of the person in a secure ward may withdraw such consent at any time or request that the person be released from the ward.

  • 2015-09-08

    Refugee crisis - the time has come for the EU to act as one

    "In recent days we have seen several Member States, many ordinary citizens, and civil society groups demonstrating remarkable and humbling leadership as they welcome refugees to their communities. EU institutions and all Member States must now take their cues from those citizens and act to alleviate the immediate suffering. The EU must use its immense diplomatic, economic and moral capacity to find ways to tackle the wider issues of Middle Eastern security."

  • 2015-11-06

    Conference on a human rights approach to the work of Ombudsmen

    The Northern Ireland Ombudsman (NIO) and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC), with funding support from the IOI, have undertaken a three year project to optimize the resources of their respective organisations with the objective of improved outcomes for the service user and enhanced public services overall. In May 2016 the offices of the NIO and the NIHRC warmly invite you to participate in an International Conference which will focus on sharing the features and benefits of the developed human rights manual.

  • 2015-11-18

    Migrants and fundamental rights

    The Defender of Rights has issued a report in October 2015 on “Migrants and fundamental rights: the situation in the territory of Calais” based on two visits conducted in June and July 2015, highlighting violations in the field of fundamentals rights regarding the migrants living in Calais.

  • 2017-02-23

    FRA report on child-friendly justice from the child’s perspective

    Children involved in court proceedings often feel scared, ignored, and ill-informed, as a new report from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) shows. By asking children across different EU Member States about their experiences and views, this ground-breaking report shows how far we still have to go to make our justice systems child-friendly.

  • 2017-07-19

    The Ombudsman comments on loss of electors' personal data

    In the course of the 2017 Chief Executive (CE) Election, the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) lost two notebook computers, one containing the personal data of 3.78 million electors. Having examined the two reports on the incident, the Ombudsman commented on them today (July 18).

  • 2017-10-12

    Foster children disadvantaged by council policy

    Councils are putting foster children at a disadvantage compared to their peers when it comes to school transport, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found. The Ombudsman is now asking councils across England to check their approach after it emerged foster children living further away from school than their peers were being treated differently by Warwickshire County Council.

  • 2017-10-12

    Ombudsman publishes results of investigation on unjust and oppressive separation of prisoner

    During an investigation concerning the separation of a prisoner from the general population for 66 days, the Ombudsman South Australia found that the Department of Correctional Services had, first, failed to document confidential intelligence and an operational risk assessment to justify its decision. Second, the Department's direction that a prisoner be kept separately and apart from other prisoners was unjust and oppressive. The Ombudsman is concerned that the Department has indicated that it may not implement some of his recommendations.

Showing 2561 to 2580 of 5101 entries